Chapter 9

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It's the first day of the School Festival. Lia and Chaeryeong were rushing around the halls, going from room to room checking the exhibits. They haven't had a break since it started this morning. Chaeryeong whines, getting tired after all the rooms and stalls they visited.

"Why do you always approve haunted house exhibits?" Chaeryeong catches her breath after they just ran out of a room.

"Because..." Lia takes a deep sigh. She fixes her uniform that got wrinkled because Chaeryeong kept on pulling her.

"It's already part of tradition, and students love them."

"Well not all students, and why can't any of the faculty roam around instead? Is this really still part of our responsibility?" Chaeryeong asks as they take a pause to see what class they haven't checked yet.

"They've got other things to do, most teachers are assigned to oversee other events." Lia answered while checking her tablet. "Anyway, aren't you looking forward to seeing your girlfriend? They're next."

Chaeryeong's face beams with excitement when she heard it. "FINALLY! the moment I've been waiting for." She had a sheepish grin plastered on her face. "You're in for a treat, you'll have to thank me later."

Lia stares unknowingly at the grinning girl before proceeding to walk towards the direction of the next assigned room.

As they arrived in front of the classroom, the door was still closed but they could hear giggles inside. Lia would be lying if she said she wasn't intrigued, what could possibly be inside that could produce such laugh and excitement. She wasn't aware of what Ryujin's class were doing since she told Chaeryeong to manage them.

She looked over to Chaeryeong who still had that shit eating grin on her face. She let out a sigh and finally opened the door.

When they got inside, to say Lia was surprised was an understatement. The room was lightly dimmed, and was that scented candles she was smelling? There were sofas and a small counter setup for drinks and snacks. Rose petals were scattered across the floor, and there was a line of female students that extended outside, to the other door.

They had a freaking host club exhibit.

She heard music playing and saw Yeji playing the piano at a corner; her hair was tied to a ponytail and was wearing black blouse paired with the same black blazer and pants. She looked so breezy, like she was in her own little world in that corner.

She looked more closely around the room, and her jaw dropped.

She saw Ryujin in a white polo shirt with a loose tie and black pants and..Lia noticed yellowish blonde streaks on Ryujin's hair that made her look a little bit like a delinquent. A hot delinquent.

Some were acting as hosts, so they had to entertain people..and most of the girls were lined up for Ryujin. Some were serving drinks, and others were busy ushering guests. Of all the rooms they've visited, this is the most crowded one.

But what happened next made Lia's blood boil.

"Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?"Ryujin said in her deep husky voice. She picked up a girl's hand she and kissed it. "Thou art hot as fu-"

"SHIN RYUJIN!!!" Lia shouted as couldn't help herself.

All eyes were suddenly at Lia. Ryujin was frozen and dropped the girl's hand. Yeji stopped playing the piano and went over to Chaeryeong and Lia.

"Hi babe, hey Lia so glad you could make it here, do you want somethi-"

"Don't Hey Lia me! What the hell is this? And you." Lia looked over to Chaeryeong "Why did you approve this?"

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