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TW: Mentions of child abuse, mentions of bullying

Shouto had always hated loud things. Loud places, loud machines, loud animals, and loud people.

All loud ever was to him was what visited him every night in nightmares. Crying, Yelling, screams, burns, boiling water, his father's scowling face, and fists. They brought back long subdued phantom pains, and feelings of helplessness. The thing he wished most to not feel.

He put up with it, however. But he tended to stray from certain classmates, (cough cough, Bakugo.) And certain destinations. Staying by himself worked fine for him. He had never really had friends. Not being able to talk to other children due to extensive training. As well as never really knowing his older siblings. So social isolation wasn't new and that filtered out how much noise was around him. That way his head wouldn't get all foggy and throb, to the point where he had to cover his ears and leave.

That's why silence came at ease for him. It was the opposite, it was peaceful and calm. No expectations, nothing more. Everything was just what it should be, it was safe. Like the hospital visits with his mom, reading a book, sitting inside on a rainy day, morning jogs when no ones around.

That's why Yaoyorozu's new found companionship was welcome. She was quiet. She never felt the need to be loud. Often, they would accidentally meet in the kitchen at 5:00 am. Their eyes would meet, and she would then, wordlessly pour him a cup of tea. She would tell him about upcoming tests, silent evenings, Her parents, and Jirou. Shouto in turn would tell her about rainy days, cats, nightmares, and Midoriya. And they would just sit there in silence, never needing to fill the space with meaningless words. However, Yaoyorozu wasn't his only friend. Infact she wasn't his first friend, that would have to be Midoriya. Their relationship could not be any more different. One thing Midoriya was, was LOUD. Laughter, talking, running, joking, music, and friends. In a way, there was almost always a constant stream of noise surrounding him.

But strangely enough Shoto didn't mind at all. Midoriya even managed to make butterflies erupt in his stomach when he laughed. He found, unlike the sort of loud he was used too, this one was warm, and full of happy memories. Midoriya was a constant moving force. He kept moving forward, and never stopped working to get to where his goal required.

That didn't mean there weren't times, that he just couldn't handle it. There would always be times Shouto just couldn't cope. But Midoriya seemed to get that. And often he was the one who helped him deal with sensory overload. Often letting him calm down after leaving the environment. And they would just have little snippets of conversation. Midoriya really did have a lot of power.

His actions have power as well. "It's your power Todoroki!" was not said quietly, as well as Midoriya using his quirk to shatter the two-toned boy's ice. those words shot him, and he shattered like glass. Because there was an undeniable truth to it. And he finally viewed his own ability as not his abusive father's, but his.

Because Midoriya was loud enough, he opened up. Without him, he would never have been able to enjoy laughing with Uraraka, or talking with Iida, vibing to "Freeze Your brain" with Tsuyu, and of course he would not have sparring sessions with Midoriya, just for the fun of it.

Midoriya was like the sun, constantly shining, constantly moving, you'd have to keep pace with him to keep up with him. And something about the way Midoriya effortlessly created noise, he also never made so much that it was overwhelming, it was balanced. And always welcoming, he never failed at that. I guess he can't say he hates everything loud anymore. Except he mostly does, but Midoriya will always, ALWAYS be the exception.


Izuku ran. In fact, he was always running. He was running towards his dream of being a hero. He and Kacchan kept pace with each other. Although the former spent most of the time running after Kacchan. Then he ran from him. He ran for hero training. He ran.

To U.A. He kept running, along with his newfound friends Uraraka and Iida. Joined later by Tsuyu. And he raced to win the sports festival. He never stopped running.

  He kept moving forward, forward on and on. Nothing could hold him back. You couldn't say he never slowed down for a minute or didn't think strategically before making a decision. But he tended to act on his heart rather than his brain. He was one to dive headfirst into dangerous situations. He didn't think of how his actions could end up harming himself.

Such as Shouto. Izuku found that his thoughts turned to his two-toned classmate. He realized that like his former self, Shouto felt......lonely. And by his coldness towards others, his limited interactions, how he would just seem to shut down when his father was mentioned even flinching occasionally. That Endeavour was the scum of the earth, and Shouto was sad.

And after Shouto had spoken to him before the games, there was no way in hell that Izuku was not going to at least try to help him. Thus, a new friendship was born.

The difference between them was, Shouto was just naturally.... quiet. To be honest, there was a reason He sought out noise. Such as A, having background noise helps clam his massive amounts of anxiety. B, it was a welcome distraction from the loneliness of having no one to call friends, or to let his doubts rest themselves.

Silence was what Izuku connected with the feeling of loneliness. The emptiness of the blank space between people. The emptiness of the day he found out he was quirkless. It's what filled the space that once held laughter and joy, before Kacchan and his friends turned to bullying him. Like the only thing he had heard of his dad, since he went to work over-seas. When All-might first told him, he could never be a hero. He had always been lonely, being quirkless didn't help the social isolation his peers put him through.

Although, it's not like alone time was not appreciated by Izuku. Or that sitting in a silent environment was never needed. But he would never actively seek it out. And no matter what, he was always uncomfortable in them. Antsy, sometimes a little restless.

He didn't fully come to terms with the fact that silence is needed sometimes, and is not something to fear, until he started hanging out more with Shouto.

At first Izuku rushed to fill each gap Shouto left with his words. Which honestly helped no one. But eventually, Izuku realized that their silences were pleasant. He found that sometimes words were meaningless, and that silences could speak volumes more than words ever could. Their silences were not born out of having nothing to say, because of the large mounds of weight it brought, but out of a sense of peace. Of understanding one another. Honestly these moments together, did nothing to calm Izuku's giant crush on the other boy. Of course, in the early stages of when they first got together was full of awkward silences. Hell, even still.

But that never changed the fact that both found comfort in silence. Eventually Izuku started to recognize a change in the way Shouto reacted to louder environments. Izuku could not be more thrilled. But in a way they balanced each other out. In Izuku's opinion, the best thing that happened to him, was understanding better aspects of silence, thanks to his boyfriend Todoroki Shouto.

The last time I posted was a loooong time ago. Depression has honestly not helped with my inspiration to write. This one was ten times shorter than the last one. Honestly I like this one more. Enter me being absolute crap at writing Angst. And yeah, I did realize I suck at writing from Mido's POV. And I'm making this ten times longer than it has to be. (Does anyone even read this?) Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this odd sound theme fic. Thanks again for reading, it makes me glad someone takes the time to see this. YOu aLl ArE fReAkInG aMaZiNg, if anyone tells you otherwise. Remember dumb people get jealous easily. I hope you have a great morning/ afternoon / night. And I'll see Ya next time, nerds.

Thanks to: Big thanks to my friend Lily, who helped proofread this, so I don't look like a moron, THANKS AGAIN. Thanks to @YanaSA9 for the amazing art that made me want to write. Love you guys :)

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