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        So much has happened to Shoto these past few days.  With the sports festival ending came with so much he never expected; a new revelation about his quirk, bravery to face his father.  But most importantly a new friendship, which is still a very new concept for Shoto.  Right now, Shoto found himself sitting with his newfound friend Izuku Midoriya on a bench in the U.A grounds. Surrounded by a couple flower beds. Shoto couldn't help but guiltily stare at the scars on Midoriya's arms.

They just sat in silence, very awkward silence if you will.  "What's your favorite flower?" Shoto was caught a little off guard, so he just dumbly stuttered.

"What?" regaining his very closed composure. "I guess I've never really given it much thought, why?" The greenette rubbed his neck,

"I don't know, I guess it would be a bit nicer talking than sitting here awkwardly."

"What's yours then?" Shoto realized he stupidly reflected on the question Midoriya had asked without answering.

"Oh, mine?" Midoriya's response showed no sign of offence, as cheerily as to be expected of him. "I love sunflowers, they're always so happy and bright. Shining like the sun and standing tall. That's kind of the hero I want to be. To stand up to wrong doers and bring hope to those who have lost it. Saving everyone with a smile! Besides mum always liked them." Shoto smiled at Midoriya's response. It was just so... Midoriya. And wholesome and showed how much he cared for people as well as him.

"Ah, sorry you didn't ask me to elaborate, and I've probably just bored you to death! And I'm still babbling on Sorry, mumble mumble...." Shoto just laughed, honestly, he liked listening to Midoriya, he always said very interesting things.

"It's fine, besides I like listening to you talk." WOAH, now that was definitely creepy Shoto, he continued to inwardly berate himself as he quickly changed the subject. "I still haven't answered yours."

Mido hurriedly interjected "it's fine if you don't want to, that was a dumb question."

"No, I would like to if that's fine." both were now spluttering messes. When Shoto cooled down (wow I'm so damn funny) he started answering. "I guess hyacinths would be my favorite."

"Ooh, those ones, you have my piqued interest, do continue." hearing Midoriya's encouragement. "Similar to yours, my mom quite likes them. She has some in the hospital." Midoriya looked at him semi-sad. "I guess mom liked white ones because it was like her quirk, my favorite colour would be purple."

"Purple?" Mido's interested face was now very close. "Like Mineta purple?"

"Yep, they always seem to have a lingering sense of sorrow. Like an apology almost." "I guess I've kind of always related to that on some level." They became quiet once more, but it was more thoughtful. Shoto realized that was very obvious, but it was odd for him to say it right out, jeez this boy making him more out right and blunt than usual.  Midoriya looked sad but didn't push any further. They stayed like that until Midoriya left. After that their silence never stayed awkward for long.


Sunflowers. That's what Shoto brought when Midoriya had once again injured himself, much to Shouto's dismay, he hated seeing the boy hurt so often. Iida then treated the Deku-squad in the hospital wing to a very long lecture. Uraraka and Iida eventually left, leaving half and half + bone brake juice alone.

"Does it still hurt?"

"What, this?" Deku asked pointing to his forehead which once had a nasty gash. Not to mention how long he was out.  "Recovery girl took care of it. She wasn't too pleased to see me again for the fourth time this week, but you know." Shoto wanted to complain, wanted to ask why it was always him. He was always the first to jump in. But Shoto didn't, so instead he just said.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2021 ⏰

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