Qibli's Return

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    November 4th

         I can't stop thinking about Qibli! Everyone is saying he's just returned from the lost continent with his new girlfriend. How could he choose that wretched Nightwing instead of me? I'm actually a Sandwing! Although, I think he'd notice if I hired someone to take her out...Anyway, I can't go to congratulate him on saving a whole continent, or he'd think I was stalking him. Well, he'd know I'm stalking him.

    Mirage paused to think about what else to write. She knew writing in a diary was lame and nerdy, but it helped calm her down. And it prevented her from going insane. Sometimes she thought she should get her private assassin to watch her at all times unless she went on another cow-killing spree. Clay seems to like it when I do that, though.

    Mirage loved it here at Jade Mountain. She hated most of the dragons in her winglet, but the founders of Jade mountain kept a close eye on her, which prevented her from wiping out everyone in the Quartz Winglet. But then, when Sunny told her she was a bit too "murdery", she wished she could murder her too. Most of the students were fine, though. They didn't like her, but they weren't sickeningly nice, like her family.

    Good thing I moved out after 4 years.

    Mirage stretched her wings and stood up. She looked around the room. There was Ermine's chest of shiny gold medals, open to fit all of them inside. And there was Barracuda's pile of shiny pearl necklaces which she never wore because apparently they were very delicate. And there was garnet's shiny, ruby encrusted helmet from the war. And WHY WAS EVERYTHING OF THEIRS SO SHINY?

    Mirage sat back down and picked up her pen.

    Also, my wingmates are stupid idiots.

    "Um...Hi, Mirage!" Barracuda said nervously from the threshold of their sleeping cave. Mirage stood up again, turned around, and glared.

    "What?" She snapped.

    Barracuda laughed nervously. "Nothing!" She walked over to her pile of necklaces, all her lime-green scales shaking, and sorted through them. Mirage scoffed. Barracuda often liked to check if any of her necklaces were missing, like she thought Mirage was going to steal one of them. It was too bad Mirage had already stolen several and Barracuda still hadn't noticed.

    Mirage stole one last glare at the shaking Barracuda, and strutted out of the cave and into the main hallway of Jade Mountain Academy. She immediately headed for the library, which was her favorite place in the school for three reasons. One: She loved reading scrolls. Two: There was no one else around to annoy her. Three: It was so fun to scare the blind Nightwing librarian. Starflight jumped about six feet in to the air every time she spoke to him. 

    Suddenly, as Mirage was just a few feet from the library cave, the entrance hall filled with cheers. Mirage forgot about the library and raced through the hallway with a grin to see what all the commotion was about. She knew it was either Qibli and Moonwatcher returning, or at the very least, there had been a murder.

    Once Mirage had burst in to the entrance hall, she'd realised it was the first one. 

    Qibli and Moon landed gracefully in front of the watching dragons just outside the entranceway. Mirage pushed her way towards the front of the crowd and gazed up at Qibli in awe. He looked perfect, as usual. The cheering still hadn't stopped, so Mirage joined in. She was cheering specifically for Qibli. Not  Moon. 

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