chapter one | first impressions

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At long last, here's chapter one! I'm so sorry that it came out later than I had hoped, everything has just been so crazy lately. I seriously wrote most of this while I was in the car on a road trip with my family and super sleep deprived, so I really hope that it's not too bad!

I must admit, I had way too much fun getting to write this first chapter in y/n's point of view, though I'm sure that it was a lot more amusing in my head than it actually is in real life. Seriously though, y/n's great, and I love her way too much already. XDD 

Thank you all so much for your support so far! I honestly wasn't expecting to have such a great response to this when I finally got around to posting it, but you've all been so kind and your messages truly made my day! I really hope that you enjoy this chapter, and thank you again so much for your support! <333  

{ 🍃 • 🐉 • 🍃 }

( reader )

I'd spent a large portion of my teenage years preparing for something like this, but even when it finally came to pass, it still felt like a dream: far-off and unreachable, impossible, even.

After spending my whole life on my family's farm, taking care of animals, plants, and children, I was finally out on my own, and able to have an adventure, experience new things, and meet new people.

It wasn't that I didn't love my family, I cared very deeply about them, but after almost twenty years of living a fairly sheltered life out in the country, I was ready to try something new, and to get out on my own for a little while.

Which was why, for the last several years, all of my savings had been set aside for this trip. After months and months of preparation and planning, here I was at last, arriving at the place which was soon to become my new home, at least for the time being.

"You are now entering Ninjago City", the sign read, and I couldn't help but notice that below it was nailed a scrap of wood, on which the words: "turn back while you still can"  had been painted in white rather messily. Charming.

My lips quirked up into an amused smile as I drove past the sign, unfazed by its warning and honestly kind of surprised that no one had taken that piece of wood down yet.

It had probably just been some teenagers being stupid. There was no way that I was going to let it ruin my evening, though part of me couldn't help but wonder if there was any particular reasoning behind their words.

I'd heard stories, of course, about Ninjago City. Even living out in the country you still hear about things from big cities every now and then, and I'd heard plenty about the place where I would soon be making my home.

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