Get the axe

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Two years later.
We lost Shay. It was hard. Gabby moved away. I switched to online school and graduated. I'm working full time on paramedic. Logan and I officially broke up two years ago.

I got up and showered then got my work clothes on and did my makeup. I grabbed my bag and went out.

Dad: Ready?
Faith: Yep.

We got in the truck and went to work. I walked in and went to put my stuff away. Then went to meeting and had breakfast. Then ambo got a call. We responded. We went in. There was no one there.

Sylvie: Hello? Paramedics.

It was just me and Sylvie working today.

Faith: Paramedics call out if you can hear me
?: Help!

I looked up.

Sylvie: There's no stairs.

I saw a bar. I put the bag down.

Sylvie: Ambo 61 to main were going to need a truck

I ran, jumped, grab hold of it and pulled myself up.

Sylvie: Second thought, hold that truck.

I looked around. I saw a woman tied up rope around her neck, waist, ankles, and wrists with cuts all over her body.

?: He has a knife.
Faith: He?

Whack a pain pirced in my leg.

Faith: Damn it call a 10 1 we need that truck.

I fought the guy off. He laid on the ground.

Sylvie: You just beat that guys ass?!

I ran over to the woman and cut her loose. I treated her wounds.

Faith: Sylvie I can't handle this I need you up here
Sylvie: You got this. You can do it without me.

I heard sirens in the back ground. I treated the woman.

Faith: I need at least three boards. now.
Sylvie: Otis three back boards. Go.
Dad: What's going on?
Sylvie: I can't get up there. Holes to small.

The guy got up.

Faith: No
Dad: Faith?

I did my best to fight him off. I grabbed rope and ties his hands together.

Dad: I need a squad here now
Sylvie: Faith?

I got up.

Sylvie: Faith.

I went over to the man that was laying. The offender got up. He went over to a door.

Faith: What the hell? There's a door. East side get there.

The guy walked out.

Faith: Offenders going out the door.
Dispatch: Officers are on the way.
Faith: These guys are treated.

Then the place bursted into flames.

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