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"Remember guys, your essays are due at the end of the week. You can always come see me if you have a question or you need an extension," Professor Ellison said, ending yet another lecture for Non-Western History. He had spoken for nearly ninety minutes on the many sons of Genghis Khan.

As I began to gather my things from the seat beside me, students slowly trickled out of the lecture hall. I stuffed my beaten up thrice used textbook into my bag before anyone could comment on its state of disrepair and scooped up my whittled down stubs of pencils and tossed them in the front pocket of my book bag. We were halfway through the semester, even if I could afford a new book - or at least one that didn't have sticky pages or cheeto dust fingerprints - I wouldn't get to use it very long anyway.

Even with my parents' help and a part time job at the italian diner down the street, the tuition for this school left me with little money to even afford food. I cursed the fact that omegas didn't qualify for financial aid, because I could sure use it. The only reason I could afford to go here was because my dad took out student loans for me, something not many alpha fathers were willing to do for their weak omega daughters. I tried to pay him back as much as I could, so until I got my degree and a job, there was no chance in hell that I would waste my money on useless luxuries like new books or mechanical pencils or laundry detergent that didn't make my skin break out in hives.

As I stuffed the last of my things in my bag, a large shadow came across my desk. I hesitantly glanced up at its caster, unintentionally locking eyes with Professor Ellison. I quickly averted my eyes, it was never a good idea to get into a stare down with an alpha.

"Ms. Hammond," the professor greeted with a courteous smile, "I'd like to chat with you in my office." He seemed to realize how much he startled me, so he tactfully added on, "Don't worry, it's nothing bad."

I nodded quickly and tried to at least look in the direction of the hulking man in front of me, rather than the wood desk top.
"Alright." As I stood from my seat, grabbed my bag, and followed him out of the lecture hall, my hands were growing clammy and my gut churned. The hallway was bustling with students moving from class to class and chatting casually. They parted for the professor as we moved through the hall. Most Alpha's did not tend to take to academic careers, so it was rare to see one holding a teaching position at a well known graduate school.

Once in his office, we settled into the school issued office chairs, his looking comically small compared to his large body. He was more than a foot taller than me and twice as wide. His brown hair tucked behind his ear was brushing the top of his shoulders. It wasn't an intentional length, it was a grown out cut, like he didn't keep up with his haircuts. The professors eyes were gray - at least I thought they were. I'd never gotten a good look at them, never having the courage to make intentional eye contact. I thought perhaps if we locked eyes for too long he'd figure out what I was.

I was determined to keep my identity as an omega secret while I got my degree. Life was just easier that way. Betas were easy to fool. Alphas have the unique ability to find omegas, even when we are on suppressants. On top of that, this Alpha was my professor and if he saw me differently it might impact my grades.

Put simply, Professor Ellison made me nervous. Despite this, his class was my favorite. He was an excellent lecturer and the course was necessary for my degree, so I always made a good effort in class discussions.

"Claire, I wanted to tell you first that I'm taking a job this summer doing research for the university. We'll be going to Australia to study Aboriginal mortuary practices." Professor Ellison smiled, baring his enlarged canines. They weren't so big as a wolf's but they certainly added to his predatory countenance.

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