Chapter 2. Helpless, but Helpful

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With the shackles unlocked, and Little Cato armed with his trusty blaster, he was now escorting Gary through the house, to show him around before they began work. "We're upstairs with the bedrooms and bathroom, downstairs is the livingroom, kitchen, and medical closet. We have a backyard too, so you might sleep out there sometimes, but that's about it." Little cato explained the simple layout to Gary, getting him used to where he was.

Gary followed along quite well. He wasn't exactly sure where he would hide when Avocato showed up, but hey, if he worked for him now, why would he need to? The stray thought of fearing Avocato suddenly disappeared now, and he was back to listening.

"The first job im assigning you is kitchen duty, since I don't like doing it. Don't break anything, don't touch anything without gloves, and most importantly, don't even try escaping." Little Cato glanced over his shoulder, following the last rule, just to make sure he was making himself clear. He was enjoying being the man of the house, and his power play was far from over.

"Gotcha. Wear gloves, don't break anything. I can handle that." Gary repeated to show he understood, and he stepped into the kitchen.

Like most of the house, the kitchen was a dark grey theme with modern appliances to provide good meals. It was already sparkling clean to Gary's eyes, hell even the grout in the tiled floor seemed to shine, but it seemed to dull when the light from the window, was cut off by Little Cato closing the blinds. "And no trying to escape. Just do the dishes and wipe down the counter. I'll be in the room over cleaning the couches."

Gary nodded, stepping aside to let Little Cato leave. Now to get working. He turned to the sink, finding a few plates and a glass cup sitting in the bowl, and he turned on the water to start rinsing them.

While Gary was doing the dishes, Little Cato leaped onto the couch, laying down and relaxing. Having a servant would be a great benefit to him, but he was starting to enjoy Gary's company. The feeling of somebody being around that wasn't dangerous, was comforting. It was like having dad home already.

Then the door unlocked.

Gary was a pretty fast dishwasher, having experience from a summer job on earth gave him some speed, and all he did was throw soap on them. He turned off the water, just in time to hear the locks on the door clicking a few feet away, and little cato suddenly running into the kitchen. "He's here, just act normal, and maybe hide. Listen to the conversation, hide if he had a bad day."

Gary was starting to feel anxious again, when did generals have good days? He stepped away from the sink and behind the kitchen island, away from the door. "Okay Gary, stick to the plan and you'll be okay."

The door opened, and Little Cato stood right infront of it, as if it were his job. "Dad! You're home early!" He said, happily reaching his arms out.

Avocato stepped inside and pulled Little Cato into a hug. "You will not believe the day I had. Some nut case tried to report a missing human slave to the Lord Commander himself! He doesn't have time to deal with civillian issues." Avocato chuckled, using his foot to push the door shut behind him.

Little Cato wasn't sure if Gary was the Human in Subject, but it was surely a red flag. "That is, interesting. Glad you got to show him what the big, man is for!" Little Cato enthusiastically cheered for his dad, though nervous.

Gary picked up on it too, and got onto his knees to get out of sight entirely.

"Yeah, we took care of him. Now what should we have for dinner? I am starving and you are an excellent picker." Avocato messed with Little Cato's mohawk, letting go and heading into the kitchen.

"How about, street meat?" Little Cato followed, his nerves on edge now. He knew Gary was in the kitchen still.

Avocato looked to the sink, and he noticed a few water droplets on the counter. And a faint oder coming from the dishes in the cabinet. "Human..." Avocato mumbled.

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