Chapter 7. Order

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Avocato had been gone for only twenty minutes, running an extra errand while he grabbed dinner. On his way back home, he got an urgent message from his work module. He stepped to the side, and scanned the short message, picking out words that looked important. "...Lord Commander... New Orders... Execute all humans... Immediate."

He had to double take, not that he was surprised, but it did shock him. He read the message in full, and felt a pit in his stomach that seemed to cave. "This is it." He told himself, while going back into the crowds of people walking the street.

When he came back home, he opened the door to see Gary, wearing his cloak and pretending he was a ghost for Little Cato. It worked well, since it was too big for him, and covered most of his body.

"Ooooh, you're gonna give me every cookie you own, young soul!" Gary wiggled his fingers out from the cloaked darkness, making Little Cato laugh.

"You look so dumb in dad's clothes." Little Cato joked, but his amusement was quick to disappear when he heard the door open. It also startled Gary, making him turn around quickly. "WhoOoO goes there!?" He tried to stay in character, but that didn't stick when he saw Avocato's expression. Not even a smile, just blank and confused.

"You look so dumb in my clothes." He walked up to Gary and pulled the hood off from his head.

"Thats coming from the guy who bought it. I think you mean, your dumb looking table cloth looks good on me." Gary crossed his arms and raised his chin.

"I said what I meant, and It does look dumb on you. Thats why I bought you a shirt and new pants. They could be big on you." He held up one of his two paper bags to Gary. "I hope you like it better than that almost destroyed uniform."

Gary looked at the bag, then to his worn out infinity guard suit, counting the new holes and scratches for a moment, then taking the bag from Avocato's hand. "Thank you. I uh, forgot how bad my clothes actually were."

"I can tell." He started for the kitchen, placing his other bag on the counter. "Why don't you go take a shower and put those on. I think you'll feel a huge difference."

"You'd let a gross human in your shower?" Gary questioned.
Avocato's change of heart was sudden, almost unreal, but not something he wanted to test. "Who are you again?"

Avocato felt his gut twisting at that question. It reminded him of who he really was, what he had to be. "Im, just Avocato... But yeah, go shower."

Little Cato smiled, watching Gary rush upstairs was almost funny to him. Once Gary was out of the room, he went to the kitchen to watch Avocato cook. "Hey dad, Be honest, do you actually like Gary yet?"

"No, not really." Avocato stated coldly, as he put the slab of meat on a cutting board. I still see him like the moment he showed up. But I know he isn't what I saw. I'm treating him better than before, because of two things. You are right about him, and he doesn't have a lot of time left."

Little Cato wasn't sure how to feel with that, but he stayed quiet to hear where this was going.

"The Lord Commander is very upset. He's banned the ownership of humans, and any people or creatures associated with the Infinity Guard. That much was obvious, but now he's moving forward, commanding that all humans are to be killed." He squeezed the handle of the knife, slicing harder. "Im afraid I won't be able to protect him anymore. I would say that I'm sorry, but I'm not going to give him up."

Little Cato started feeling Avocato's stress in trying to figure this out. "Thanks dad... But, what are we going to do?"

"Two things can happen. You decide to stop caring so much, and let him go, and we never talk about it again." Avocato could feel Little Cato staring at him from behind. "Or, we can get somebody else to help."


Gary could hear the conversation start, since he didn't start the shower yet. He was stumped, trying to figure out how it worked. instead, he gave up and listened to their talking instead.

"I still see him like the moment he showed up-"

That part hurt Gary, only slightly, but he understood. It kept him glued to the conversation too. He heard more, and more, but he was only piecing together the idea that they were getting rid of him.

He felt his heart starting to race. A sudden wave of paranoia came over him, and a new voice broke the silence. "They are getting rid of you. The boy Is tired of helping you."

"What..?" Gary whispered to himself. The voice was familiar to him, but he couldn't remember.

"You are a burden to them. You put the people who care about you in danger."

"Man just stop. Stop already." Gary took deep breaths, trying to calm down. He recognized the voice, but it was a ghostly evil that he couldn't place.

"You know I am right."
"Avocato hates you."
"Little Cato hates you."
"I will find you."

Gary felt a bubble burst, and he couldn't take it anymore. He pulled off his old uniform, stuffed himself into the red shirt and blue jeans he was given, and quietly pushed the bathroom door open.

Downstairs, he heard the cato's voices still going. "Clarence is not a good idea dad. Even if he has a license to keep creatures, gary isn't a creature, and humans are more than illegal."

"But we can't keep him anymore. Its whats best for all of us. Maybe not so much Gary, but he'll have a chance at least."

Gary continued taking deep shaking breaths, while he snuck down the hall and to little cato's room.
From there, he opened a window, and climbed out, jumping down and running as fast as he could. "They were just keeping me as a pet. They were lying to me." He told himself. Almost in tears now, he couldn't tell where he was going, just running to the darkness to hide.

Little Cato was cut off by the sound of a window opening. Avocato caught it too, and they both rushed upstairs to investigate.

Avocato went to the bathroom, finding it empty with the old uniform on the floor. "He's not in here."

Little Cato poked his head out of his room, with visible worry. "He's not here either. And the window IS open."

Avocato heard his module chime, and he pushed a button, to open a hologram from his wrist piece. It was the Lord Commander.

"Avocato. I have recieved a notice that a Human has been spotted near your area. Go investigate at once. And, DO NOT fail me. My patience had run very. Very thin."

"Yes sir. I'll search right away." He nodded in confirmation, and closed the message. "Son, you can choose to come with me. I might need help, but it could be dangerous."

"We're gonna find Gary dad. I think I need to come with you."

"Good. Then no more wasting time."

"Let's roll."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2022 ⏰

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