-Chapter two-

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"Next." I exhale loudly in annoyance. This is ridiculous, it has been two hours and we haven't found anyone qualified enough for the job. You would think that with an artillery of trainees, assassins, agents and rogues you would be able to find at least one person.  But . . . you would be wrong.

"Yeah, I don't think this is working out," Kova puts her elbows out onto the table and slumps down, using her hands as supports.

"Ya think?" I groan, my own head resting against the cool wooden table, it's quite nice actually.

We jerk our heads towards the left where we hear a chorus of footsteps from behind the door. I could recognise that power walk anywhere.

"Haven't found any of my employees good enough for your little mission."

"If by 'little mission' you mean, our full building take over that ends with us receiving a million dollars, then sure," I squint at them.

"Lyric, with all do respect, why won't you allow us to ask any of the assassins or rogues to help us," Kova inquires.

Lyric refused to give us permission to recruit anyone other than the agents or the trainees for the job. Which doesn't leave us many options considering the fact that all of the current agents are off on overseas missions and the only one left behind is Britney. We are not recruiting Britney. Why, you ask? Well Britney is a class-A bitch, and don't take that lightly. I may call a lot of people a bitch, but this girl just takes the cake!

Last year I was forced on a mission with her and the entire time she refused to stop flirting with the target! Like come one- you can't be that desperate. But apparently you can be, because she cost us the whole mission. The target knew who we were the entire time and instead of noticing it early on and retreating or cutting it short, Britney had gone into his hotel room and was attacked.

Sometimes I regret my choice to go in and save her ass, she had a gun pointed straight at her head before I came flying through the window with my heel aimed at the back of his skull. Let's just skip the gory details and settle with the knowledge that my shoe was left in his head when he was taken away in a body bag. I still shiver at the image of it.

With the agents out as an option, Kova and I were stuck with the trainees and well- what can you expect? They're trainees, they don't know what they're doing and worst of all, most are under the age of 17.

"It would be to out of our budget and by that, I mean that you would have to divide the completion money equally between the four of you," Lyric answers Kova. Immediately Kova and I shake our heads, there is no way we are splitting that money.

Kova and I had decided that to complete the task we would only need two assistants. One person to sit on the roof as our eagle, watching the scene from above and knocking out any potential threats. They would also need to signal to another person when everyone gets out of the building, that's where person two comes in.

Person two is going to have to be skilled with bomb and explosives, they will have to run in after Kova and I to place the devices around the building without disturbance. They will also have to active said explosives once person one gives them the signal.

"Not happening," I tell Lyric, deadpanned.

They click their tongue, "That's what I thought." Kova sighs loudly.

"So what does that leave us with? Who are we supposed to choose now? We are out of options!" Kova exclaims.

I have to agree with her, it seems that we will have to complete the whole mission ourselves at this point.

After a long silence, Lyric finally speaks, "You are not out of options." Kova and I snap our eyes to them.

"What do you mean? Who else do we have?" I ask.

"Well . . . I don't think you will like it very much but you don't have any other options at this point," Lyric answers.

"We don't care who it is anymore! We just need someone who is skilled enough to help without needed a cut of the payment," Kova begs.

"Then I guess you are more open to it then I thought, perfect." I'm getting fed up with their suspense at the point, I want to scream "Hurry up just tell us!" I'm just about to when they continue. "The two of you are heading downtown."


My shoes squash along the pavement as Kova and I make our way down the alley. The rain pours down on us heavily, like a bucket of water being poured over your head - but it's constant.

I knew I should've worn my Doc Martins instead of my Converse, now they're soaking wet!

I hold my hand above my brow to keep the rain off my face as I take a glance ahead, only for the bright orange light of the street lamp to blind me.

"Ah fuck!" I curse as I screw my eyes tightly and begin to blink away the dark spots in my vision.

"What?" Kova asks, in an instant she's facing me with a gun held steady in front of her and a knife held steadily in her other palm. Where the fuck did she even have that knife stored that was close enough that her hand could unsheathe it in 0.01 seconds, the only known sheath on her is on her lower calf.

"Woah chill out, I just blinded myself," I gesture to the street lamp that is now a couple meters behind us. "Stupid ass lights."

"God Mal you scared the crap out of me, I thought we were being ambushed," she places her gun back into its holster and skids the knife into her sleeve. So that's where she had it hidden.

She turns her back to me and we continue waking. 

"By what?" I respond after a couple of seconds.

"Hm?" Kova looks over her shoulder at me and I jog a little to reach her side.

"What would we even be ambushed by right now?" A grin starts to form on my face.

"Um, a lot of things. Rapists, druggos, robbers, mafia leaders-" she starts to tick them off on her fingers.

"Mafia leaders?" I ask with an amused scoff.

"What? It's possible! You never know who's out there," she pushes.

"Kova- this isn't wattpad," I tap her twice on her shoulder, giving her a tight-lipped smile.

"I know that." She sacks the back of my head and I stumble forward slightly, laughing as I read the back of my head.

I right myself up and turn to her, "I think we're here."

We both look into the dark alley, the brick is damaged and the pipes are leaking.

"Seems home-y," I shrug with a smile.

Kova and I cock our heads to the side when we hear a scurrying sound behind the trash cans, followed by a squeak. Definitely a rat. A few noises echo the first. Okay- never mind, there is definitely more than one rat.

"Very." Was all she answered.

Chapter two for you besties! Honestly this story is fun to write! It's a good break from the seriousness of The Divide of Chaos.

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Ily all <3

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