-Chapter Four-

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"Finally. What took you so long?" Kova asks as I walk around to the side of the water tank.

"I was just checking in with Lyric," I turn to Sxy, "now what is the whole 'through the tank' thing about?" I fix her with a hard stare.

Sxy just smirks and pulls away a sheet of metal from the tank. Looking over her shoulder at us, she walks straight through.

After Kova and I climb through - only narrowly avoiding the jagged edges - I try to find Sxy's face in the darkness.

"Ok great, now we're inside a moldy water tank, woop-tee-do." My face is completely humourless.

"Just follow me," Sxy rolls her eyes, or at least, it sounded like she did, because I really can't see shit in here.

Suddenly there is a small light coming from my left, the light only seams to get bigger and bigger as I start to make out shapes.

There is a hatch in the floor and Sxy's figure is already escaping my sights down a ladder. She pauses with only the top of her head peaking out, "you coming?" She calls, before completing disappearing down the hole.

"You know, this is sketchy as fuck," Kova smirks.

"That's how we roll," I mirror her expression.


I let out a grunt as my feet hit the ground, knees bending to take off the shock of the drop.

I take a second to look around, the room seems to be some kind of basement. Thinking about it now, I have a feeling that the water tank was placed there by Sxy and Halo, considering they are the only ones who have been here in the last twenty-or-so years. I'm not going to lie, it's kind of smart.

"So, can we meet Halo, we have a few things to talk about with the two of you," Kova asks, a little too nicely considering they made us climb into a moldy water tank.

Just as Kova finishes her sentence, Halo walks out from seemingly nowhere. A little creepy if you as me.

I have to admit, Halo is not what I expected. Let's just say our agents couldn't find much on the two of the girls as of recent, only their criminal activities and current location, there were no photos except for the ones from 4years ago. It seems Halo has grown up since then, Sxy only looked like an older version of her photos, but Halo . . . Let's just say that a hair cut can make a huge difference.

The photo we had depicted Halo as a small brunette with cute ringlets and brown eyes that had a sort of spark to them. Now, that small spark, was gone. Not only that but hair hair was as black as onyx and was cut to just above her shoulders. She also seemed to radiate a sort of powerful energy.

The two girls take a set in a beat up council that had large gashes, leaking springs, wood and fluff from within.

"Well? Have a set," Halo gestures to two arm chairs in front of them. They are in the same - if not worse - condition as the one they're sitting on. 

Kova and I walk over and I look over to Kova to see her with her analysing face on. She normally does this whenever we encounter someone unfamiliar, or that she likes to say, "gives her bad vibes" but for some reason, this time it doesn't seem like Kovas off-put by her, in fact it looks the opposite. The way the corner of her mouth lifts and her eyes sparkle, she seems . . . intrigued?

"So, what do you guys need to talk to us about? I'm assuming you're from the government judging by the fact that you already knew our names and location," Halo raises a brow at us as we sit down.

"You are on the right track, but not exactly on the mark," I smirk at Kova, "We are from an organisation called the AAR and we are government funded, but not government run-"

"What does AAR stand for?" Sxy cuts me off.

"Well if you would stop interrupting me an let me finish, that was kind of the direction I was headed in," I snarl.

She just scoffs.

"Anyways, the AAR is a facility full of assassins, agents and rogues. We take out big time criminals that are too difficult or underground for the FBI. Agents are our insiders, they crawl their way into undercover missions. Rouges are the ones that go out for the lower class crimes or the ones where the criminal does not need to be killed. Now for the assassins. Kova and I are assassins and we deal with the jackasses who deserve to die for their crimes, rapists, human-traffickers and many more. We can either kill them on sight, or torture them a little if more information is needed. Any questions?"

"Why the hell are you here? We haven't done any major crimes, only theft," Halo asks.

I let out a laugh that came out as more of a scoff, "Don't bother with trying to hide it, We've heard of your skills, in fact, that's exactly why we are here. We want to recruit you," I expression turns serious in a flash.

"Recruit us? I don't think so," Sxy adds.

"What if I told you that you'd be out of this place and you could legally use your skills of sniping and explosives legally?" The girls faces become a mix of disbelief and intrigue. "Within reason of course and only on the right targets. And to make things better, it's completely women and non-binary run, that's right, you don't have to work under men. We've heard your pasts, we thought this would help convince you, or at least ease you into the idea."

"So what? You want to train us as assassins?" Halo asks.

"Yes. But first we have a job for you," I respond.

"What sort of job?"

"The sort with explosives and snipers," I smirk.

"Care to elaborate?" Sxy cuts in.

"Why of course," I pause with a smile, "if you come in for briefing," I smirk.

"No." Halo's face is pure emptiness.

"No?" She doesn't answer. "What if I tell you the prize is ten grand, each."

"Each? You're telling me that we get a total of twenty grand? How much is the job worth then? I'm sure the two of you get a cut," Sxy counters with her hidden shock now fully exposed.

"Yes, you will be getting a total of twenty grand. The total amount of the job is none of your business," I grin menacingly. I place an envelope on the table as I send Kova a side glance, it's time to go.

"See ya girls there," Kova winks as we exit through the hatch.

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