-Chapter Three-

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"Okay," I look down as my phone flickers to light with a text, "So we just have to go down . . . here." I say a little unsure as Lyric types a reply.


Make sure you don't come on too strong.

They're what you would call . . . a little skittish.


Where do we go now? Kova and I are beside the big neon sign now.

Btw what's up with that? A laundry shop . . . really?



I look up to examine the sight in front of us, it doesn't look like much. The lights flicker and hang crooked - most likely from faulty installation or shitty quality screws - and the shop itself is not any better. In fact, it seemed to be in worse condition then anything else around us - not that there was much else around other than a couple electric towers. 

The windows are boarded up and if I was to take a guess, I would say the glass behind it is shattered. Judging by the shards decorating the grass by my feet. The brick itself almost looks . . . tired? With all the cracks and missing bricks I don't even know how the building is still holding it's shape.

"Damn, I swear you only see this shit in horror movies," Kova adds with curiosity. Way to make it more enticing - internally rolls eyes

"I swear to god Lyric is the slowest typer in the world!" I whine, dragging my hand down my face in exasperation. I jolt and almost drop my phone as it buzzes with a notification, "Oh would you look at that, you speak of the devil and the devil blesses you with their presence."


Just head around the back.

When you get there, call me for further instructions.

Call her? Further instructions? . . . Uh, ok I guess. 

I slide my phone into my back pocket and my gaze locks on Kova, "What the fuck are you doing?!" I yell in a hushed tone, wouldn't want to alert anybody about our location that doesn't need to know. 

Kova seems to be having to time of her life as she pulls herself up onto the roof from her spot on the drain pipe. 

"I'm just scouting the area! Chill out!" She calls from the roof.

"Would you be quiet? We need to keep a low profile!" I shoot back.

"From who? I have perfect peripheral vision from us here and I haven't even seen a leaf move," she fixes me with a glare.

"Would you just get down already, Lyric responded." 

Kova finally seems to decide that this in now an appropriate time to make her descent, she grips the pipe and practically fireman-poles it down. She lands with an amused huff. 

"Where to captain?" Kova now stands beside me scanning the building.

Sighing, I gesture for her to follow me as we make our way around the store. As we round the corner we are meet with a wall filled with colour, a couple of graffiti artists must have come around. I mean it is a great place to tag, considering the fact that the building's abandoned and from the info I gathered prior to our arrival, I also know that there isn't any cameras within a five mile radius around us. 

A take a second to appreciate the swirls of colour before me. The graffiti is not just stylised words or random smiley faces, someone had taken their time in creating a whole mural. 

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