Sudden Surprise (Slight R-18 At The End)

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The entirety of the first year was called to the gym it seems. The sight of the large number of students dazed me for a bit, before Takata and I heard Asahina's voice. We looked around for a quite a while and still couldn't find her, which prompted her to stand up and wave her hands around in a rather adorable manner. We headed towards the two seats to her left that were free and sat down. Takata chose the farther side, which had me directly beside Asahina. It probably would've been better if Takata and I switched places; Asahina was now latching onto my right arm, similar to how a baby koala (I searched google and it said Joey worked but it could confuse you guys with kangaroo so I just stuck with this) would attach to it's mother's body.

Conversations between the many students began to drown out the voices in my head as I speculated about what would happen. It's already been a few minutes since we entered and I was frankly, getting impatient. I rarely ever have the energy to stay still and wait for something, unless the reward was something worthwhile.

On the contrary, my worries were for naught. The student council president arrived moments later.

"Greetings. Thank you all for coming here. We have just received reports of a monster infestation happening in Utsunomiya. A horde of Riders and Morges have appeared and are attacking civillians. There have also been reports of Flyers roaming the outskirts, so we urge you all to quarantine here in the school's island for a few days. Don't worry, the Subjugation Force will be sending in reinforcements soon. I repeat, all students will have to stay until the monsters have been eradicated. That will be all. Thank you for listening. Classes are over, so we encourage those who have homes to return to to stay in the nearby hotels. Of course, it will be free of charge.

The whole school erupted in shock. This was certainly unexpected. A monster invasion in Utsunomiya, huh. It was particularly known for it's gyoza dumplings, although I myself have never been there. Mmm, that's making me hungry.

While the chaos was still undergoing, Asahina, Takata and I headed back towards the classroom and prepared to head home. As the president said, we could stay in the hotels until release, so we decided to do just that.

As we left the school grounds, we began to walk towards the nearby Mashoku mall, which was a fairly popular hangout place for students to come to after school with friends.

The mall itself was still considerably spacious. It was build in a dome shape, similar to an igloo, with multiple rectangular buildings connected to the dome.

We weren't particularly worried about the monster attacking this island. Many years ago, our ancestors had founded barrier magic, and this was then used to protect certain places when the situation arised, like right now.

As we began to enter the mall, we noticed the large amount of students already inside. Maybe the cold wind from the air conditioners made them stay inside. It was beginning to get rather hot outside.

Since all expenses were covered by the school during our isolation period, we didn't hesitate to go on a wild shopping spree, although Asahina was the one who coaxed us into joining her using the power of food.

And food she delivered. While we were sent to go buy clothes and other items for her (she was a fashion geek) she went over to a nearby restaurant, which was particularly famous for it's curry, and reserved seats for the three of us.

Asahina had given us a handwritten shopping list on the things we were supposed to buy. Funny enough, I could see that she had written an area for me, and in it was written "3 Hanjo's hoodies." I like hoodies, especially Hanjo's. They could tailor special hoodies to what I wanted to put on it. I once decided to put on some ahegao pics on it, and received some dirty looks from my sister, but I didn't bother. A man must set his priorities!

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