Negative Emotions... Are Powerful

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The next day, I woke up to Elena staring at my face. Her eyes were filled with a creepy expression.

"Good morning, my love."

"How.. how long have you been staring at me like that?"

"Only for the past 3 hours. Your sleeping face is very cute."

It was 7am. She's been awake since 4? This girl has some problems.

"Here's your morning greeting!"

She threw her arms around me and kissed me. I didn't have the energy to resist it, which she knew, she put more force in her action.

After convincing her to let go of me, I did what any person would do after waking up.

"Good morning, Makoto." my dad said to me as I went downstairs.

"Good morning."

Elena soon came down a few seconds after I did, being pushed by my mother down the stairs, and took the seat beside me. Now, what's the breakfast for today I wonder?

Ah! My favorite. Rice, miso soup, salmon and tamagoyaki. I must say this is the definition of a japanese breakfast. I immediately digged in.


Delicious! I guess that could only be expected from Mom's cooking. I've always evaluated her dishes more higher than famous restaraunts.

After finishing the breakfast, my dad called me into the living room.

Elena was hesitant to leave me, but after realizing that it was probably a personal matter, she hesitantly went back to eating.

"Makoto. We need to talk."

"Hmm? What is it dad?"

"It's about... your sister. Lately she hasn't been active. She came home yesterday with a gloomy expression too. Didn't even bother talking to us, and immediately headed straight to her room. Do you happen to know anything?"

"I, guess I do. It's probably me. When we stayed over at a hotel together during the isolation, she, well, how do I say this..... took my first time when I was asleep."

"?! Did she now?"

"Yeah. I got a bit angry about it, and pushed her away."

"I... I can understand what you did."

"She drugged me too. It was probably in my food."

"... If it's alright with you, could you go up to her room and talk to her? I understand that you may resent her for doing what she did, which I agree was unforgivable, but please spare her this once."

"Fine. I'll see what I can do."

"You have my gratitude."

After talking with dad, I went upstairs to Asahina's room. The door was locked.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

"Asahina. It's me. Please open up."

No response.

"Please. Do me this favor."

Again, no response.

"If that's how your going to play this, I'll be staying here until you let me in."

I sat down on the front of her doorstep.

A few minutes of silence. Almost seems like no one was in the house.

"You know, Asahina, I just want to speak with you. Please open the door."

Her door creaked slightly. Seems like she opened it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2021 ⏰

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