The Kiss

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Noah POV :after hearing what Griffin said I wanted to beat the living shit out of him. Right then and there Curtis walked through the door wondering what was with all the tension . Once I told him what happened he literally turned red and believe me it takes a lot to get Curtis mad.

Curtis POV : when I arrived at sway I could feel a lot of tension in the room so I asked  noah what was wrong and once he told me what happened I was red with anger . Noah tried to calm me down but I lunged at Griffin giving him a punch in the dick. I must admit it felt good but anyway I kept beating the shit out of him while everyone was cheering me on. Eventually I was satisfied because he was coughing blood.


Griffin was absolutely terrified then right after Curtis said that Griffin's hookup walked out of the room and it was none other than Kaylyn (taylers ex) she saw everyone stare and quickly ran back into the room.

Noah:I think I should go check on Dix
see how she is coping wit this.

He went up to his room to find the girls knocking on the bathroom door crying I asked what was wrong and what they said made me run into the bathroom to Dixie.

Noah:what happened why are you crying.

Tg:it's Dix she said she wants to die and we think she is cutting again.

Noah:Dix I'm coming in.

Dixie:Noah I'm so sorry

Noah:shh Dix it's ok
And before we knew it we were leaning into each other then started kissing which turned into a make out

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