Chapter 2

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"OMG, did you see who Preston walked in with this morning?" An airhead cheerleader named Sahara, asks loudly, as she 'talks' to one of her friends. Her talking is more like yelling. She's always been a loud person and can't whisper for the life of her.

I roll my eyes and try to ignore the gossip; however, my ears do perk up at the mention of him with someone else. "Who is it, this time?" Sadie, Sahara's friend, asks, her eyes glittering in admiration for Preston and any news that revolves around him.

Yes, he's gorgeous, but he's also a jackass. He's five feet, ten inches with dark brown-almost black hair, hazel eyes and muscles that make a girl drool and dream of doing naughty things to his body.

But as I've said, he's a jackass.

He didn't even have the decency to break up with me, before bouncing into another girl's bed. I found out through a mutual friend that he was sleeping with someone else before Chris lied about me being with Brandon.

As if I need to hurt even more than I already do!

"Chloe." She smirks, looking in my direction. I have my head bowed, as if I'm trying to read my English book, but I see her out of my periphery. My fist clenches in my lap. I should have known.

It's not the first time he's been seen around with her.

My throat tightens as I try to swallow the lump that's formed. I'm honestly not surprised, but I am a little hurt. We've been on and off again for two years and he acts like I mean nothing to him. But I guess I don't help him think differently, when I continue to let him walk all over me and do what he does.

Maybe it's time for me to cut my losses and let him go, for good. Besides, I plan on leaving this town the day I graduate, and I know he already has plans for his future.

He's going to college.

I haven't even bothered to apply.

I have good grades, don't get me wrong, but I don't have the money.

I'll never have the money.

So, I don't see any point in wasting my time when I know I'll never be able to afford it.

"Ooh, wow." Sadie exclaims. I can imagine her fanning herself like the drama queen that she is.

"Mhm. They are so hot together, too." Sahara replies and I internally scoff. "Much better than him and Natalia." She spits my name in disgust and I can't help but laugh.

She doesn't like me because I not only got the guy that she's always wanted, but also because whenever she runs her mouth to me, I give it back. She's a conniving bitch that has caused more problems for me, throughout my relationship with Preston.

"They are hot together, for sure." Sadie agrees, cackling like a hyena. "I wonder if he's actually going to stay with her this time, though?" She adds as an afterthought.

Sahara shrugs, looking my way. "I honestly don't know why he would get back with Nat."

I bite my tongue and try my hardest to ignore them. I remind myself that they're just a couple of envious bitches that want what they will never have. Sadie sleeps around with just about every guy in school and Sahara has a boyfriend who's in college, but she flirts with everyone whenever he's away. I've heard her arguing with him on the phone a few times because people have told him rumors of her sleeping around.

As far as I know though, she's been faithful.

Which I am honestly surprised by. She doesn't strike me as someone who would take relationships seriously.

Instead of sitting around and listening to everyone run me down, I stand from my seat with my bag in hand. "Ms. Elwood, where do you think you're going?" The teacher asks, his eyebrow raised.

I shrug my shoulders and send him a sarcastic smile. "Anywhere but here."

With that, I exit the room, Mr. Black yelling for me to stop and sit back down.

I sigh and walk the empty halls, ready to leave for the day.

Where I plan to go, I have no idea. But I don't want to be stuck here, trying to avoid bumping into Preston and hearing all about his latest conquest.

Just as I'm about to exit the building, I hear my name being called from behind me. I sigh and turn around, bracing myself for the pending argument that I know will ensue.

I narrow my eyes as Preston saunters towards me, a swagger in his step. He's looking good in his low waist dark jeans and black South Pole t-shirt. His backpack is hanging off one shoulder and his Timberland boots are untied yet somehow secure on his feet. His dark hair is a sexy mess on his head and his hazel eyes seem vibrant.

My back stiffens the closer he approaches. My appearance is up to par, not feeling the need to show my emotions through my wardrobe. "What?" I ask, my tone clipped.

I'm seriously not in the mood to deal with him right now.

He rolls his tongue over his lower lip, giving me a once over. He smirks as his eyes slowly meet mine, a mischievous glint to them. "You leaving?" He asks in a husky tone.

I roll my eyes. "Yep." I say, sighing as I hike my bag up my shoulder. "Now, if you don't mind..." I turn on my heel to leave, ready to escape this place and get as far away from Preston as I can.

"Wait." He steps forward and grabs my arm, forcing me to turn towards him, again. I raise a brow, wondering what the hell he wants now. Isn't it enough that he's with someone else? Why bother me when I know he doesn't want me? "You want some company?" He asks, his hand now sliding down my arm until it reaches my hand, where he begins to entangle our fingers together.

I pull my hand out of his reach and snarl at him. "I think you have plenty of company with Chloe."

I turn away, my heart clenching at the thought of them together. I remind myself that I don't love him, so I need not to feel this way. It's no big deal that he's with someone else. It's no big deal that he technically cheated on me. It's no big deal that I am now free to do as I please.

I push the door open and step into the frigid cold air. The wind whips around, blowing my hair all over the place. I tug my coat against me, hoping for some warmth, but knowing it's not made for winter weather. Right now, I wish I had worn a sweatshirt underneath.

I meant to buy a winter coat, but I don't ever have enough money. My part-time job doesn't exactly pay me hundreds of dollars. I use any money I do get for food and personal care products, since my mother doesn't seem to know how to buy any.

I quicken my pace in hopes to get home sooner. I know that people will probably be drinking and getting high, already, but I don't have anywhere else to go.

"Nat!" I hear him call out to me, but I ignore him and keep walking. "NAT!" He yells, running after me. I can hear his footfalls pound against the tar, but I continue to ignore him. There's nothing he can say right now that will change my attitude towards him. "Natalia!" He growls, grabbing a hold of my backpack, making me stop dead.

"What?" I yell, spinning around. I slam my palms against his chest, forcing him to let me go. "What could you possibly have to say, Preston?" I glare at him, hoping he gets a clue that I do not want to deal with him right now. "You going to deny cheating on me?" I hiss, pushing against him. "Or are you going to deny the fact that you're with Chloe, again?"

He grabs my hands, stopping me from beating on his chest. Pulling me closer, he bows his head so he's eye level with me. "I'm not denying anything." He says, quietly, shaking his head. "But I want you to know, I'm not the one who cheated first." He stands to his full height, looking down at me with narrowed eyes.

I scoff. "Are you fucking kidding me, Pres?" I let out a sarcastic laugh. "Brandon is gay, you idiot." I wretch my hands free from his grasp. "And you would've known that, if you had actually talked to me instead of cheated on me."

I turn and head home, satisfied to see the dumbfounded look on his face before leaving him behind. 

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