✞Chapter 27✞

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Chapter 27

I walked Jeremiah to his plane the next morning. Jeremiah glanced down at me as the plane came up the runway. His arms wrapped around me as we stood there enjoying the moment.

"I will video chat you when we land. James says you can fly in next Monday but I'm going to see if he will let us fly back Thursday to pick you up." He smiled and leaned down to kiss me really quickly. "I'm really going to miss you."

'You are only going to be gone for a week. Its price you pay for being such a talented boy.' I playfully punched him in the arm.

"Jeremiah, we need to get going; your dress rehearsal starts in 4 hours and we still have to fly to Washington, D.C." James yelled out of the privet jet.

"I'll be there in a second. "Jeremiah spun back to me. "You know that none of this would be happening if it wasn't for you."

'I know now jet your little butt on that plane, so you are not late.' I smiled and gently shoved him towards the plane. His dark hair swayed a little as a breeze blew past us. The blueness in his eyes grew as he smiled back. As light hit his face from the sun, the plane started up. I waved to him smiling. His shoulders bounced as he laughed and waved back.

"I'll miss you girl!" He said as the jet's door shut. Slowly the jet gained momentum and was in the air. I felt someone touch my shoulder. Looking up I saw my dad; he was smiling down at me but something in his eyes told me that there was something wrong and that we needed to get home. I nodded towards the car and he started walking.

This is the kind of relationship that I had with my dad. No words were needed to be said; we understood each other just fine. The feeling in the pit of my stomach got worse as we got closer to the house. Thoughts started swarming in my head. What if Amy had needed to go to the ER? What if she has passed away while I was seeing my boyfriend off? Did Mr. West show up and try to take Keaton and Neal back home?

Pulling into the driveway, my mom came out and looked me up and down after I had gotten out of the car. Maybe I was worrying about the wrong people. What if so test had come back positive? What if I wasn't free? If this was like my dream... and Jeremiah had a little girl but I was gone because the cancer had come back. Surly my dad wouldn't have let Jeremiah leave on that plane knowing that I could be sick again.

"Naomi, please come inside. We need to tell you something." My mom looked down into my eyes. She looked torn apart. Her emotions fought with each other to gain a foothold in her eyes. The one that I was the most happened to be a type of fear I had only seen one other time in my entire life... right before I had burst into tears and gone into a deep depression because I would never grow up. I would worry about dying every single second of my life. That is one of those things that you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy.

"The doctor called after you left." My mom took a deep breath, "Some of the tests were inconclusive but the cat scan that you had a while back was read wrong," her breath stifled before she continued. "They need to run more tests. No more interns reading cat scans that could end someone's life. And since Dr. Sigman is currently being watched over he can't look through any of the files. We have to go to the hospital as soon as Jeremiah calls you."

"Ni, you can't tell him or he will freak out and cancel the whole tour." Amber had rapped her arms around me in a tight hug. 

I escaped from her grasp and ran upstairs to my room.

This can't mean anything. I was clean, free, I had beaten cancer. Then why has my mom not told me the whole story. I honestly had no clear thoughts for the next two or three hours. My eyes were tiered and my body ached. Nothing felt right. I suddenly remembered that Jeremiah was supposed to call me when he landed. His tour was starting in an hour and they usually spend that time rehearsing. My iPhone suddenly went off.

"Jer-Bear Facetime," my phone's voice broke the silence that had settled in my room. I quickly got up and wiped the tears off my checks and ran to the bathroom to check to see if my eyes were blood shot. I guess the amount of time I spent crying when I was depressed my eyes were used to it, so I just looked like I had been laughing.

I hussled back to my room and picked up my phone, answering it with one swift motion.

"Ni, baby. Hey sorry that it took me so long to call you but I thought better late than never." He smiled at me and then spun the camera around. What I saw took my breath away. There were thousands of people standing in silence watching a screen with my face on it. My heart stopped as I put my hand up to my mouth. Even with the news I had just gotten, he still made me feel like the luckiest girl in the world. The camera flipped back so that it was his face looking back at me.

"I thought I would give the crowed a treat so I asked them if it would be weird if they saw my call you. How are you doing?"

'Depends. I miss you already and it's only been what three hours?' Jeremiah told his fans what I had said. They all 'Awed' some whistled and some starting talking around with the people next to them.

"Well I miss you too, Beautiful. Well I better give these people what they came to see. Hope you get to fly up here so you can sit right next to me and play guitar with me. Love you." He kissed his fingers and touched the screen.

'Love you too. Bye.' I kissed my fingers and touched that camera back.

He quickly winked at me before shutting the camera off.

He so knows what is going on. This was a test set up by my doctors I bet you $100 that this was all a test to see how our new relationship would hold up.

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