ღChapter 16ღ

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Ok so I know that a lot of people hate me right now. But I just want to let y'all know that it will get better. You just have to trust me. I want their relationship to be as strong as.....hmm... well I'm not quite sure how to explain it. anyways just read and hear me out. I have big plans for this story. Oh and it gets me out of summer reading which I have only 12 days to finish.... a 552 page book! Gosh! One of the disadvantages of taking honors English..... Oh well. I love you all for staying with Naomi and Jeremiah for this long. I love seeing how much you guys love them and I get so happy when I read all the comments. So keep telling me what you think. You never know it might help me with the next chapter!

Read on my friends.

I love you all so very much. <3

ღChapter 16ღ

"Naomi. Honey. Would you please come eat with us." My mom's soft voice rang through the hollowness of my room.

'I'm not hungry.' I gestured to her.

"Naomi Lillium Jones. You have to come and eat something. If anything a roll or a pack of crackers." Her voice rising slightly.

'Fine.' I slapped my hands together.

"Don't use that tone with me young lady." She said trying not to laugh. I smiled but didn't laugh. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders. "I know you don't want to talk about it, but it helps to get out those feelings. If anything write it down. It helped me when I was your age." She smiled. "You know we all love you. We will always be here for you with out hesitation."

I nodded. We got up and walked down stairs. I was still in my sweats and t-shirt. My eyes were red, hair was a total disaster. I don't see how anyone could love me right now. I thought that God had a plan for me, but right now I feel alone. Maybe I should write stuff down in a book.

"Naomi." Parker was down stairs sitting on our couch. He got up with a smile on his face and ran over to me. "I know it hasn't been very long but I though you could use someone to talk to. Go get ready. I'm going to take you out. Come on lets go." He pushed me back to my room.

I gave my mom a questioning look. She just smiled and nodded. I stubbed back up the stairs to my room. The place that is safe. It doesn't have any other worldly influence. It's just me and God. I looked up at my wall and saw my favorite saying. Titus 3:2 'to speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people.'

That's what God laid on my heart. So I took sticky letters and put it up on my wall.

"Naomi. Here wear this and do something with you hair." He handed me a light purple tank top and some dark jean shorts.

I smiled up at him. He was such a great friend. 'What would I do with out you?'

"Oh that's a hard question. Maybe rot away in this tiny room. Scared of facing the world." He joked. Gingerly, I punched him in the arm. "Oh that hurt." His face twisted to try to be hurt.

'You are so full of it.'

"I know, yet you still love me." I giggled and grabbed the clothes that he had handed me and went to the in-suit bathroom I had.

After I had changed, I looked in the mirror. How on earth could Parker be so kind to me when I looked like this. My brown eyes were blood shot, my short hair was sticking all over the place like a guys hair cut that went all over the place. I took my brush and got my hair wet trying to get it to lay back down.

Once I was done I walked out to find Amber sitting on my bed talking to Parker.  Amber stood up giving me a look of I'm so sorry for what I did.

"Naomi, let's go." Parker got up and grabbed my hand pulling out to his car. He had a Mercedes SLK 55 AMG. It was silver with dark brown leather seats and a convertible top. Needless to say his parents were loaded so they could buy him stuff like this.

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