✞ Chapter 21✞

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✞ Chapter 21✞

I sat there tapping on my desk with my pencil.

"Mr. West please stop tapping on the desk." Mrs Killion snapped at me.

I quickly went back to staring at my science final. It was all mostly common sence but it also went against everything I believed in.

How long has the earth been around and how did it get there?

A) 4 billion years and an explosion

B) 2.5 billion an the earth is part of an asteroid that became lodged in the suns gravitational pull

C) 3,000 and God created it in 7 days

Well the answer they are really looking for is A but I would have liked to put C even though that one is wrong as well.

I kept going through the questions circling the answer that the teacher wanted and not the one I had been raised knowing but whatever.

The final question can up.

Short answer:

How can people believe that everything on the earth was made in 7 days?

Are you kidding me?! That's discrimination! I could report the school for this and have them shut down.

I started writing, 'Well people believe that the earth was created in 6 days the same way people believe that everything on the earth is an accident and that we all evolved from a single cell organism. I believe that it was made in 6 days because the Bible says it was created that fast. Also the bible was the first bible to be mass produced in a printing press. So my question to you is how come you are so fixed on proving that wrong?'

How about that a little history for my science final? They are so going to fail me for the answer to that question.

I gathered all of my belonging for the test and walked up to Mrs. Kill ions desk.

She looked up at me with her piercing green eyes. There was definitely a reason most of the guys in our grade had an unnatural crush on her.

She had huge blonde curls and a perfect completion brought on by pounds of makeup which made me wonder what she was trying to hide.

"You're done?" She whispered trying not to disturb the other students.

"Yes I'm done can I go now?"

"I guess. Sign out though." She tossed me a clip board and pen.

Sloppily I wrote my name, the time, and date on the paper and handed it back to her.

Walking to my locker, I spotted Naomi sitting on a bench across the hall from our principle's office.

'Whats wrong?'

'Some reporter crashed through the window and tried to question Amber and I about Amy and Chris. Then he asked where you were to get an interview and Amber told him to go here. Needless to say Sophia came in and told him that I called him and told him to do it...' She sighed and then looked at me with her big chocolate brown eyes.

If I could pay to have her voice fixed for a day I would do it in a second. No questions asked.

"So that's how she wants to play." I sat down and slung my arm over her shoulder. "Let's just go to the beach."

"Naomi, Mr. Sullivan is ready to see you now." A voice carried through the open office door.

"Does she have anyone that can tell him what she's saying?" I quickly asked. "If not I'll help."

"As you wish Mr. West. Please go in now." The short lady opened his door. In the room sat a man in a brown trench coat, camera slung over his sholder and dark black hair like mine.

He turned to us, he had the same blue eyes as me. It was kind of like looking into the future at my self

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