Wreck of the Day

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Wreck of the Day

Addison and Rose strike up an unlikely conversation.

"I hope you weren't offended when I told you there had been some... Heavy petting... Between your ex-husband and I..." Rose says awkwardly to Addison at the bar counter.

"It's okay," says Addison. "Sorry I called you an unlucky 'McRebound,' says Addison.

"Is that like a thing that you surgeons do here?" says Rose.

"It is, or it was," says Addison. "My ex-husband is McSteamy. My ex-mistress is McSteamy," says Addison.

"And these are all of your exes?" says Rose.

"Hey," says Addison. "And no, because I never dated McVet, but I did share the McDog," says Addison.

"So which one are you?" says Rose.

"Haha, what?" says Addison.

"What are you? Mc...?" says Rose.

"Oh, I don't have one of those," says Addison.

"And if I ask around, no one will tell you that you have a McNickname?" says Rose.

"As far as I know, I do not have a McNickname," says Addison.

"Look, this is totally pathetic, but do you think he'll show up? Dr. Shepherd... Do you think he'll show up here? I told him I'd wait for him at this bar, but I don't know if he's going to show up, and I don't know how long I should be waiting before it's pathetic.

"Look Rose..." says Addison.

"You don't think he's gonna show, do you," Rose sighs.

"Meredith is... She's not the kind of girl that you leave if you can help it..." Addison sighs.

"Is she your ex too?" says Rose.

"What!? Meredith!? No!?" Addison yelps.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to assume, it's just... When you say her name you get all wistful, so I just wondered, that's all," says Rose.

"Oh, yeah it's okay. No, Meredith and I... It was complicated. She hated me, and I hated her. And then I didn't hate her anymore, and she kind of stopped hating me. And then she nearly died... Twice! And then I moved away to Los Angeles because it got too confusing to think about," says Addison.

"You moved away... Because of Meredith?" says Rose.

"Yes... But I'm only telling you this because I don't know you, and you don't know anyone that I know, and I hope that you will not tell anyone that I know," says Addison. "And because you're hopelessly in love with my ex-husband, which I don't think is going to go well... By the way... Sorry, Rose, well I just figured I could share something about me with you," says Addison.

"So, you're in love with your ex-husband's girlfriend, and you just came out here for one case, and you haven't ever told her that?" says Rose.

"She's in love with Derek. It's complicated," says Addison.

"Sounds like you're afraid to tell her how you feel," says Rose.

"Yeah, well you're afraid to tell Derek how you feel," says Addison.

"He's a neurosurgeon, and I'm just a scrub nurse. It's intimidating," says Rose.

"Meredith's a legend around here. She has a big house where everybody lives. And she's so talented," Addison sighs.

"We should do something about it? Right?" says Rose.

"Well, you could do something... But I may or may not have chewed Derek out for breaking up with Meredith," says Addison. "What, I didn't know you then," says Addison.

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