Edition 9: Friends!

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Welcome back to Merf Papers, Edition 9! Starring: OddRy and Annie! Guest starring: Sarah!! Enjoy!

Me: It's awkward, my mind is completely set in Star Wars mode.
Annie: Mine is set in PTV (Pierce The Veil) mode! YAAAAS! (Me: That reaction doe.)

Me: And this is amaze. *pulls out a light saber from an unknown area and dramatically flips hair*
Annie: *pulls out electric guitar and strums it threateningly*
Me: This is reminding me of PewDie in his Evie videos.
Annie: Fun. I still have PTV stuck in my head. I wish I had brought my candy.
Me: I would share....but I'm abnormally hungry today. Also, I am a Jedi.
Annie: Not even one problem about indirect kissing.... Should I be proud?
Me: Be what you want my dear.

Me: *currently eating candy*
Annie: Chew with your mouth closed!!
Me: I shall annoy you forever!! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Annie: We've come in a full circle. (Heh...come.. Shush..)
Me: Haha, so funny. And nevahhhh!!

*later on in study hall*
Me: *writes on the blank left side of the paper* What happened to this side of the paper? Are we really that hateful for the left side of the paper???
Sarah: *randomly pops in* I like the left side of the paper.
Me: It's just me and you then, bruh.
Sarah: Nah, that's my word! BRUH BRUH BRUH.
Me: Oh I see how it is. *pouts and rolls away*

Hallo bruhs, hope you enjoyed Edition 9 of Merf Papers!!! I'd like to dedicate this specific edition to my best friend, Annie, who was included in my awkward Merf life. She is amazing and she deserves some recognition. Thanks Annie!!! (<3) Anyways, hope y'all enjoyed. Please comment and vote! Thanks guys!


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