Where is she?!?!?!?!?

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I'm sitting on my private jet heading to Greece. That's where Ruth was seen,and I can't wait to bring her home. "Sir we'll be landing in ten minutes." The pilot tells me from the intercom.

Fifteen twenty minutes later I'm stepping off the plane when my phone rings. "Hello?" I ask knowing it was Briely. She's been calling nonstop asking if I found mommy yet. "Alpha get back on the plane now!" My beta demanded,there was a since of urgency in his voice. "Carson I'm getting her back stop trying to stop me!" "No it was a trick Jordan! Some rouges kidnapped Briely!" He screamed into the phone. I dropped the phone and ran back into the plane screaming to the pilot to go back. How dare stupid rouges do this!?!? I'm the most powerful alpha in the world! "Dumb ass that's why they took Briely,they want to tear us down!" My wolf said agitated. "Gosh shut up Jason I hate you, and my daughter is missing!!" I screamed back at him. "Our Daughter!" Jason my wolf stated and went silent. Please Briely be ok! I tried to reach her through our link. "Daddy? tat you?" I heard her say weakly. Where ever she is she's hurt and her energy is draining and it's draining fast. "Briely! Baby listen to Daddy where are you?" I ask urgently. "Dada it hurt so bad helt ee." She's talking baby that means she's in pain and I can't help her. "Baby where are!? Tell Daddy!" I beg her. But it's no use I lost our link connection. "SHIT!!!" I scream making the plane waitress jump. ( A/N I forgot what it's really called.) Briely hang on Daddys' coming!

I know it's short but I have to go my best guy friend is here we're going partying lol. If partying is sitting in a basement on a couch with five boys playing video games and screaming insults at each other. Haha!! Here's what I mostly scream at them when we're playing Ps3. "You betta run Bitches Ima get you!" or something like. "Haha suckas I'm winning" or "man bitch you suck balls" or something like that. Well I have to go because he's screaming bye thanks for reading! COMMENT VOTR AND FAN PLEASE!!!!!!!

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