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Maggie never really got closure. Closure for what, you may ask? That's the thing. Even Kat didn't know the type of closure she needed, or what it was even for. She retrieved the shoebox she had brought out of her suitcase and laid it on the hotel bed, admiring it. God only knows how long the small blonde had clung onto that box for. At least two decades, probably more.

In it contained every written letter she had ever received. Whether it was a birthday card, a valentines note, or even her own personal feelings she jotted down, it didn't matter. It was her little box of secrets. She sifted through the box and smiled as she watched her handwriting develop from small squiggles to its now neat font.

Letters from past high school boyfriends, and letters of how she felt about each boy caught her eye. One letter in particular caught her eye. It was still sealed with a maroon colored wax, yet Maggie couldn't remember what was inside. She ripped it open carefully, trying not to mess up the pretty seal around it. She pulled out a small paper that had been folded exactly five times; something Katarina always did.

The letter itself was sealed also with a weathered piece of tape, which easily came undone from the letter. It opened on the hotel bed in front of her as she stared down at the paper, studying the first line.
Of course, fate had brought her here. What are the odds that she had just left a Harry Styles concert, and is now reading a letter she addressed to him in high school?

She took a deep breath in and brought the paper to her eyes, her hands shaking a little.


I'm not sure why I'm writing this, because I know you'll never see it. You've just left England, probably for good. I miss you a lot already, but I also know this is a great opportunity. Besides, maybe I can actually talk to your mother without you interrupting me.

Maggie laughed slightly at the last line in the letter, but felt herself smiling through her tears. She quickly wiped them away with the back of her hand and continued the letter.

School won't be the same without you and your horrible dad jokes. Emphasis on horrible. I've been doing a lot of thinking recently and I've come to realize something my own mother told me quite a long time ago, before she left as well. "Not everything that comes back to you is meant for you. Sometimes, things come back as a reminder of just how good you are without them."

It got me thinking a lot. Maybe you're just better off getting out of here. For fucks sake, if I had an opportunity like yours, I'd take it. Anyways, my tears are making the ink bleed now so I think that means I'm done.

With love, always,


Now the small blonde was really crying. She remembered exactly where she was when she wrote that letter. In his kitchen, actually. Anne watched her write it and cry silently as the two just basked in sadness and worry. The clock beside her read 4:32 am; it had been several hours since she'd last seen Harry after his concert.

Reading the letter made her realize you can never just sit around and wait for people to come to you. Sometimes, if you want something bad enough, you have to chase it. "Hi, Harry." She greeted quietly as the phone shuffled on the other line. "Maggie, it's four in the morning." Harry groaned in a deep tired voice. "I'm aware." She replied sarcastically, wiping her eyes and sniffing again.

"Have you been crying?" Harry asked in a worried tone. Maggie heard him shuffle around in his bed sheets as he sat up, clutching the phone closer to his ear. "Doesn't matter." She rolled her eyes and laid on her stomach, placing the phone onto speaker mode.
"It does too matter. What happened?" Harry pushed on. Maggie replied, annoyed, "I just don't feel well, that's all."

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