Deciding To Become A Witch

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Okay, so you've read all the rules; you know how magic works, where the power comes from and how spells manifest. You know you have to back up your spells and cast them with harm to none. What next?

Well now you have to decide to become a Witch. This means taking full responsibility for all your thoughts, words and actions. It means practicing witchcraft to make your life run smoothly - or as smoothly as anyone's life can run. We all come across bumps in theroad now and then, but as a witch you can use your magic to help you over these bumps and then move swiftly on.

There are many wannabes out there. Life is full of wannabe actors, wannabe pop-stars and wannabe models. There is nothing wrong with this - we all have to start somewhere and, as I said earlier, a dream is a valuable goal to aim for and turn into a reality. The danger lies in being content to be a wannabe. You have to focus on your dream and work really hard to make it happen. There is no such thing as 'overnight success'. Behind every success story lies a tale of courage, hard work, determination and probably tears. Trust me, I know. My advice to you is, never give up on your dreams - you may give up on the very day success was due to knock on your door.

And whatever you do, don't become a wannabe witch! There are people around who drape themselves in black, drip with pentagram jewellery, call themselves a witch and yet have never cast a spell. Other barely move beyond a simple altar set-up and reading about Wicca. Don't go down that road. You can't call yourself a witch unless you work rituals, observe the sabbats, follow the wiccan rede, believe in the god and goddess' basic aspects (explained in a later chapter) and cast spells. So don't be a wannabe witch - be a witch, and use the magic of the Craft to help you reach your other wannabe goals.

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