Your Key To Nature

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Key parts of nature include objects as small as insects, as old as trees, as intangible as the elements, and as awesome as the Moon in the night sky.

The Moon

The Moon's magic works through its cycles of dark Moon, new, waxing, full and waning. By recognizing the link between the Moon and their menstrual cycle, women can choose the best time to work magic. Gardeners often sow certain plants on the waxing or waning Moon.


Trees span generations, while their branches, trunk, and roots span Heaven and Earth. They all have particular qualities according to their growing habits, and these magical associations are harnessed in the runes. Tree magic can be absorbed by taking flower remedies or by hugging or sitting under a tree.

The Elements

Groups of four recur throughout nature: there are four seasons, four winds and four main points of the compass. Correlating with the latter are four elements: earth, air, fire, and water. In some traditions, these are seen as the foundations of the universe.

Certain qualities can be attributed to the elements because of their connection with other groupings; for example, fire is outward and expressive and relates to the warmth of summer. This element is placed at the South of the magical compass.

(The 4 elements correspond to the directions of a magical compass:

earth – north, fire – south, water – west, and air – east.)


Herbs and flowers have been used throughout the world for thousands of years, for medicinal and magical purposes, as well as in the kitchen. Nature provides remedies for all ills – notice how when someone is stung by stinging nettles, there is usually a dock leaf nearby to rub onto the skin to take away the pain.

(Growing your own herbs helps to imbue them with your personal energies, and is a lot of fun, too.)


Animals provide an essential link to the natural world by acting as spirit guides. The qualities in a particular animal can reveal to us hidden qualities we possess - and by calling on the power of an animal, we can draw into ourselves the strength of that creature's essence. This varies from animal to animal.

Metals and Minerals

Metals, minerals, crystals, and gemstones come out of the ground and have, in many cases, been there as long as the planet itself. They each have their own distinctive "vibration" which can be matched to those emitted by our own bodies, an idea embraced by crystal healers. Minerals can be single elements or compounds of elements.

We can work with crystals or metals to acquire particular vibrations; this helps bring us into balance when our bodies are in some way out of natural synch. This belief has endured for thousands of years.

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