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*12AM 0000*

NoJamBro : Hi, anyone awake to bring me a late night snack?

Jokbal unnie : Nope, not me, I do not want to leave my bed.

Jokbal unnie : Furthermore, I am eating my favourite ice cream, soft and sweet

NoJamBro : Oh is it the one you bought last week?

Jokbal unnie : Yup Yup

Tofu : Ohhh the chocolate caramel ice cream?!?

Jokbal unnie : Yes yes

Tofu : Can I have a biteee please I love that ice cream

NoJamBro : I am pretty darn sure you guys are in the god damn same room

Tofu : Yup we are

NoJamBro : Then ask for a bite directlyy, you do not have to come into the chat

Tofu : What do you mean

Pengu : Dahyun are you sleepy or are you drunk, how do you not get it

Tofu : Hmmmmmmm

Jokbal unnie : She is drunk, she was just drinking Soju a few minutes ago

Jokbal unnie : There she goes, back into slumber

Pengu : Anyone up for Takoyaki? I bought some for delivery cause i was hungry

NoJamBro : Me Me, I am hungry too

Pengu : Wanna come out and eat together? I bought enough for 4 people

Jokbal Unnie : Me Me can I join Minariii

Pengu : Yes yes you can join us

Pengu : Anyone elsee join us or no one gonna join us

Shiba : Me Me I want to join, what is for supperr

NoJamBro : Read the chat girl you have eyes, unless you don't have eyeballs

Shiba : Hey you, Yoo Jeongyeon. Are you picking for a fight

NoJamBro : What if your not happy come and fight me, as if I am scared of you tsk

Pengu : No war or else say goodbye to your takoyakis

NoJamBro : As if I care if I don't eat the Takoyakis

Pengu : Ok, Jeongyeon don't come asking for it if your tummy growls

NoJamBro : Sure *tummy growls*

NoJamBro : Anyone got anything for me to munchhh?!

NoJamBro : I am hungry UwU

Pengu : Well I got Takoyakis, but I ain't giving you these since you say you would not care

NoJamBro : Please Minarii, I am begging youuu, I am hungry

Pengu : I am not that easy to please hmpf

NoJamBro : What should I do to please youuu

NoJamBro : Hugging you?

Pengu : Nope does not work on me

NoJamBro : Ahhhh I know, cuddling

Pengu : Hmmmmm

NoJamBro : Ok cuddling it is

Pengu : Wait-

Pengu : Fine fine fine, you win, here you go, your takoyakis

NoJamBro : Yay Mina I love uu


Mina knew what was going to happen when the daylight comes and Chaeyoung wakes up, she would be in heavy trouble. Likewise, Jeongyeon also knew that Nayeon would be furious once she wakes up.

But both of them quickly threw that thought out of their head and continued cuddling, even after they were finished with their supper.

Soon, they fell asleep cuddling each other not knowing what is awaiting for them when their partner wakes up....



Bunny : Wakey Wakey, it is morning

Chewy : I am awake

Cub : Me too Me too

Bunny : Did anyone see Jeongyeon

Cub : Ehhh, Mina is also missing from my room where did she go now

Tofu : Oww, my head hurts a crap ton, what happened last night

Bunny : Ah Jeongyeon, you are about to get it from me

Chewy : Why is that so unnie

Bunny : Read the chat above

Cub : MINARI watch out

Jokbal unnie : Good morning everyone how is your sleep

Chewy : Not good, Chaeyoung and Nayeon bout to kill their partners

Jokbal unnie : Omo why, is it just because of them cuddling

Chewy : And sleeping together, yes

Jokbal unnie : Nani, they did that?!

Chewy : Yes unnie

Jokbal unnie : Aiyo, World war bout to start

*shouting from the outside intensifies*


(I shall not continue this war. Bai n surprisingly we hit 100 reads)

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