Fun Day

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Gem woke up in her class A bed. She immediately checked her phone to see a Good morning <3 message from Aquarius. She smiled and rolled her eyes as she walked over to her closet to pick out her clothes.

After getting ready, Gem headed downstairs towards the cafeteria. She could hear Aries excitedly explaining something as soon as she stepped off the elevator.

Gem didn't understand how Aries' energy level was on blast no matter what time of day it was.

Grabbing two slices of toast and a cup of apple juice, Gem sat next to Sagittarius. Aries, Leo, Taur, Cancy, and Gemini were also here.

"... and there's also this waterfall park like ten minutes away. There's a really nice ocean side restaurant nearby as well." Aries looked at Gem. "I was just telling everyone about this trip I planned with Leo. We're basically going to this massive hot springs place and I'm trying to see if anyone else wants to come."

"I will!" volunteered Sagittarius. She elbowed Gem. "She's coming too."

"Do I not get a say?"


"Pisces is coming too."

Gem rolled her eyes. "He's not even here."

"He goes where I go."

Aries nodded. "If anyone else wants to go, we'll be leaving at noon."

"Gem, you look awfully happy," noted Gemini.

Gem looked up to frown at him. "I was until you spoke."

"It seems like something happened yesterday." Sagittarius smirked at Gem. "Did anyone confess anything to you?"

"Pisces confessed that he thinks you're ugly."

Sagittarius gasped and began tickling Gem. "Can you guys believe I'm being bullied by her?"

"There's usually more people here." Aquarius walked into the room shirtless, wearing his workout shorts with earphones in his ears. He likely just got back from his morning run.

Gemini pointed to Gem who looked away. "Gem's acting suspicious."

"I'm not. I'm just looking at the wall. The wall paper is so pretty."

Aquarius sat down beside Gem. "Does anyone have any plans today where I can tag along?"

Leo nodded. "We were just talking about visiting the hot springs and a waterfall park. Then we'll eat at this beautiful restaurant."

"Cool. Me and Gem will come."

Gem crossed her arms. "I should refuse to go just because you guys keep volunteering me."

Sagittarius grabbed Gem's arm. "Between me and Aqua we can drag you along with us."

"Why is Gem so popular anyway?" asked Taur light-heartedly.

"Good question." Gemini looked at Aquarius. "Sagittarius bringing her best friend along makes sense. Why do you want her to go?"

Gem's face quickly grew red. "He's just tormenting me he doesn't-"

"Because she's my girlfriend." Aquarius put an arm around her, pulling her close to him.

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