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A/N: This update was late because I had to study for my finals. After finals I took a short break because I was really burnt out. I'm back now, and I would like to thank everyone for your patience!

An alarm blared throughout the hotel at six am. Everyone slowly appeared, wondering why they always had to get up so early.

Ophiuchus yawned. "The private jets will arrive in an hour. Half of you will take a tour of the capital city, Aquariolus with Aquarius and Aquari. The other half will explore the southern part of the country. I will not be conducting the tour because I have business in Serenum, but while I'm gone I'll have my assistant Cetus watch over you guys and participate in your tour. She'll be here in half an hour."

And with that Ophiuchus walked out the front doors.

"Assistant?" asked Taur.

Gem smacked her palm against her fist. "What's one assistant against twenty four of us?"

"I don't know," Lee sighed. "Cetus is probably really strong if she's assigned to watch over all of us."

Pie flipper her hair over her shoulder as she walked towards her room. "I want to explore the capital city. As for Fetus, she can kiss my ass. I'm not scared of anyone, not even Ophiuchus. Call me when the first jet arrives."

"There's no point going back to sleep. Let's get some breakfast!" Aquari scanned everyone. "I'll be going to the southern part of the country. Who else wants to come?"

Saggi raised his hand. Then Vinn, then Scor and Taur. Then Leon and Cancy.

"We need some originals too." Aquari scanned everyone. "Libra, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, and Gemini. You guys come too."

And with that, everyone except Pie went to get breakfast.


Cetus walked through the front doors. She was recently sent down from the sky to assist Ophiuchus as her assistant. King Cepheus deemed Ophiuchus incompetent by herself since the zodiacs have been out of control lately.

Cetus had no idea why they chose her. Ophiuchus mentioned something about her great power that could easily outmatch every Zodiac at the same time.

Cetus didn't know what she meant, because as far as she knew she didn't have any powers.

As she looked around the lobby, Cetus looked in a mirror standing on the wall to check her appearance. Her wavy firetruck-red hair was pulled back into a long braid. She adjusted her glasses that framed her soft brown eyes before walking into the cafeteria where she suspected everyone was. She took a deep breath before opening the door.

Only to have something thrown over her head. She felt multiple people pick her up and carry her somewhere. When everything stopped, she heard a door click shut. Cetus pulled the bag off her head. She was in some kind of small room.

"Hello?" Cetus stood up and tried the door. It was locked.

"We'll let you out of the closet once we're finished our tour," spoke a voice that was overly sweet. The voice of a devil disguised as an angel.

"What's going on? I'm Cetus, Ophiuchus' assistant."

"We know who you are," replied the girl. "But we want to make it clear that we don't take orders from anyone. If you don't behave, I'll invite my pet snake to come play with you."

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