Chapter 18

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Narrator: Rosemary,36 years old

Chapter 18

It had been ten years and the dead bodies had been piling up. I made a small graveyard for them but they kept walking around. My reputation had also taken a nosedive. I also had a new nickname: Echidna, Mother of monsters. I didn't mind the nicknames though. All they did was

give me strength.

However, my children hated me for what I did. They constantly begged for them to let me out. Andrew was more persistent though than his sister. He'd beg for me to let him out. It all came to a head one night on the top floor of the house.

"Mama, I want to leave!" he yelled.

This was the usual way our conversations went. He would try to leave and I would refuse. That would usually be the end of it. However, he was planning to go farther that night, much farther. After a bit of arguing, Andrew pulled out a knife.

"Andrew, please think about what you're doing!" I yelled at my son.

"I already thought it over, Mama," he said.

He began edging me towards the window. I had a choice: stop my son's heart or die. Naturally, I chose the path of self-preservation. I grabbed the knife and decapitated my own son. That's when I saw Moria run away from the house and I realized I had no children left.

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