2. Old yet New Faces Pt.1

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Welp. Y'all wanted this today, so here ya go!
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Immediately putting on his mask, Nightmare quickly whirled around to see someone that looked awfully similar to Sapnap.

"Who are you?" Nightmare asked with caution, not knowing whether or not who he assumed to be Sapnap's opposite could be trusted or not.

"Oh! I'm sorry, my name's Napsap! What's yours?" The male now identified as Napsap replied.

"I'm Nightmare. Nice to meet you Napsap." The name sounded so strange on Nightmare's tongue, but he had to go with it.

"Well, it's nice to meet you too, Nightmare! Are you by any chance lost?"

"Uhhh... Kinda?"

"Then, do you wanna come stay with me and my friends for a bit?"

'Can I trust him is the real question.'

"I wouldn't want to be a bother though..." Nightmare replied, trying to get a better idea of what kind of friends Napsap has.

"I'm sure my friends wouldn't mind!"

"If you say so..." 'I guess I can trust him for now.'

"Great! C'mon, let's go!"

After nearly an hour of walking, Nightmare and Napsap finally reached their destination. Napsap then took out a key and opened the door.

"I'm back!" Napsap called out.

"Kay, who the fuck's with you, by the way?" asked someone who looked like Bad, except he was wearing white and light blue instead of black and red. He also had white wings. Goodboyhalo if Nightmare remembered correctly.

'So that's why Napsap wasn't surprised when he saw my wings...' Nightmare thought.

"This is Nightmare! He was lost in the woods so I offered him a place to stay!" Napsap told Good.

"Napsap, you can't bring random strangers into our house." said a male who looked like George, especially with his signature clout goggles, but the colors of the clout goggles were reversed and had a black outline with white lenses, instead of a white outline with black lenses. The color of his clothes were red instead of blue, Nightmare noticed.

"George, just leave it. You know how stubborn Napsap can be when he wants to be. Anyways, I'm Goodboyhalo, but most people just call me Good." Telling George to drop it and introducing himself.

"I'm GeorgeWasFound, but I just go by George." introduced George.

"Nice to meet you guys. I'm Nightmare as you already know."

"Imma go show Nightmare around now! Come on, Nightmare!" yelled Napsap.

"Okay...?" said Nightmare, confused.

"Just go along with it. It'll make your life a lot easier." whispered Good to Nightmare.

Nightmare simply nodded his head, but on the inside, he was still very confused.

Shortly after the extremely long tour, mainly due to Napsap getting off track, Nightmare decided to go outside for some time to sort his thoughts.

'They seem nice, I guess, but it's so weird seeing the opposite of what I'm used to.'

'Good seems to like swearing and is mean on the outside but pretty chill once you get to know him. And overprotective, I swear to God.'

'George seems chill. Maybe the more responsible one of the group.'

Died as a Dream, Reborn as a Nightmare ~MCYT~Where stories live. Discover now