"No-one will believe you"

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(Another one from tumblr, but I just expanded on it, I call it having no imagination, let's gooo. Also this is after Wilbur's revival)

~Wilbur POV~

I walked around the SMP. It had changed quite a lot since I last came here. So many new buildings. I kept coming across shreds, of what I assumed was some red thing from the nether. Weird. I wonder how Techno's doing. I bet he'll of missed me. Ghostbur used to visit him a lot, Techno never really seemed to like it, though. I hummed as I walked across the prime path. This would look better if it was paved to the brim with TNT, don't you think?

I saw two figures in the distance. A green.. and I couldn't really tell the details on the other. He seemed fairly tall, though. Maybe I should go say hi, ruin some days. As I walked closer, I realised who was there. Dream, and Ranboo. Ranboo.. that guy everyone likes, hanging out with Dream, the guy everyone hates. This'll go well, won't it? Blackmailing someone a few days into being back? Count me in.

"Ranboo. We kill Tommy and Tubbo. They're in the way of everything that I want to be done. It shouldn't be too hard."
I stopped in my tracks upon hearing those words. Killing Tommy and Tubbo. I'd say that's a hitch over what I'd call rationality. Ranboo looks over to me, his eyes glowing a dangerous purple. "Wilbur is listening. Is he included in this plan?"
Damn it. Ranboo ratted me out. Dream looks my way, with an unimpressed look.
"No. I don't think he is. Make sure he doesn't tell anyone about this. Or we'll have some problems."
Ranboo nodded and walked towards me, drawing a line on the wooden bit of the axe, aside from that, he looked almost like a robot.
"Hey, put the axe down, Ranboo. Don't want everyone to hear about your little plan with Dream. Wouldn't that ruin that perfect reputation of yours? Shame if.. everyone were to turn against you."
I replied. There's no way he wouldn't atleast stop the think about the repercussions of this. Instead he just stood there. Staring at me dead in the eyes, smirking. Wait.. I couldn't move.. What the hell..? What did he do?!
"You're wondering what I did, aren't you?"
He was walking circles around me. Almost as if it was some sort of a taunt.
"Oh, you crack me up, Wilbur. Who would people believe, me over you, or you over me? I'm married to Tubbo, he'd deny me of any wrong doing. I've made friends with Tommy again, plus, he doesn't have a single ounce of trust in you." Sure. He had 2 people on his side. All I have to do is apologise, act all innocent, then spill it that Ranboo is working with Dream. Easy.
"Well, I have Techno and Phil on my side. You only have 2 children on your side, I have the two most powerful beings on this sever. Try me, ender boy."
He didn't stop walking circles around me. Instead, he gained more confidence. Was this some sort of weird ritual?
"No. I think I have them on my side, too. I've grown on their trust since my first day on this server. They've not seen you in literal months. Don't even get me started on the amount of people that everyone on my team could get to take you down and get rid of you forever. Infact, I could do that right now, but we don't want to build up too much suspicion. I have so many advantages over you, Wilbur. You're nothing, compared to what I can do to someone in just a few minutes." God. What the hell did I miss? Tommy wasn't lying about everyone liking this guy. I'm just the only one who could see through his disguise. "Now, scram, and we won't have any problems, or stay, and I'll slice your head clean off."
His voice repeated in my head over and over again. What is wrong with this kid? How hasn't anyone seen this side of him? As soon as I got control back of my body, I ran to Tommy's house. I guess I'll be staying here for a while. When did perfecting this land become so difficult?

~726 words~

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