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My father was an expert in the gun lance.
His favorite monster was a Brachydios he had cherished for years. As a child, he met one.
He protected a young Brachydios from a Great Baggi, and he became emotionally attached to it.
Every day, we walked to the same spot, and faced the mountains. Once we saw the brave icon come forth, we knew he was there. Years later, we traveled to the "new world" and we missed the old Brachy. So, we became guild experts. And continued our adventures, hoping to spot our old Brachy.
"No shit? Yup, it's that elder dragon" He laughed as he jumped off his bed.
"Dad, I'm tired, am I old enough to have caffeine yet?" He shook his head,
"I don't believe so, but you're up for a walk huh?" I nodded as I packed my bag and my Insect Glaive.
"I borrowed this, and the Kinsect." I raised it up for dad to see.
"Interesting, it looks good as new," he quickly glanced at the Glaive.
"Dad I'm worried that the guild is having trouble with that elder dragon.." He gave me that look, damn it. "Oh." He replied softly, "SafiJiva.." I retrieved my poster of the supposed SafiJiva, "This thing?" I pointed to it, he nodded, and had the damn serious look on his eyes. "That beast, surely knows the way of the guild." He went on, "All our defenses, shattered." I could feel the harsh pressure on his shoulders to protect our fleet. "Stay here, I gotta go meet with the guild." I awaited him to grab his Gun Lance but he did not. Does that mean, no quest today? He walked out with a guild paper. I gazed upon the snow outside, and spotted a little Palico walking with my father. He spoke with him, made him pause his daily walk, and, oh shit. That damn look, something about Velkhana, or even maybe Brachy? He then ran back into the house, grabbed his Gun Lance and sprinted towards the main resource center. That Palico entered our house. Along with that he carried the news. "Oh I see, you're meowster's son?" I nodded. "Your father is set on an urgent quest right meow, meowster will surely figure it out! His gun lance skills are purrfect!" I questioned the details, "Well what monster is it?" The Palico shivered. Oh no, "Safi.." before he could finish his sentence, the handler barged in out of nowhere. "There you are Mercury! I see you're with that guy's son?" Mercury nodded, and went over to grab his quest papers. "Nice to meet you. I'm just you're local handler, you?" I pointed out the fact this girl randomly barged in, "Seriously, you barged in though." I noted, I sat back down
sighing, "My dad is super worried about this SafiJiva thing. Apparently it's an extremely dangerous monster." The handler showed me the page on her book about SafjJiva "Yes in fact, it is a very dangerous elder dragon the guild has been studying." She then picked up her Palico's gear. "Anyways... Come with me Mercury! You're late for the quest!" He grabbed his equipment and nodded. "I'm sorry, meowster is just explain to little one about Safi-Safi.." "Jiva." The handler said boldly.  "Wait, Safi-Jiva?" I started sobbing, she patted me on the back, "No worries, your father is one of the guild's best." I wiped my tears and sat down. "Alright, let's get to business Mercury!" Mercury went along with the handler, and I decided to follow along. Then I heard a roar from the distance.  Mercury stopped, and shivered once more. "Uh, meowster is kinda worried.." the handler stepped back and widely stared at the sky. An unknown wyvern flew above, it was not Velkhana. It was SafiJiva.

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