Turf Wars

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As we approached the guiding lands we overheard roars in the distance. A uragaan ran off in fear as the handler glanced upon the mist. "That's odd, these monsters seem to be acting up about the mist." I sat up and examined the mist. "It's a freezing mist, it must be Velkhana?" The handler nodded and handed me the ladder. "Here, we will have to climb to the top to get a good glimpse of the monsters." I needed to sit down, the guiding lands are large, "Why don't we set up camp here in the guiding lands?" The handler nodded, "Definitely as Velkhana  can be spotted." "Sounds good, we'll keep a look out for Velkhana." Sure can do, I just can't get absolutely destroyed by some Tigrex. The roars kept approaching our camp, as my Palico feared the worse, mind you, raptor was never a brave Palico. "MEOWSTER! THERE IS A MONSTER RIGHT MEOW!" I gave my Palico a Pat on the back, "It's alright, there's no Diablos." My best bet would to be setting up my insect Glaive skills. As my builds were sustainable against elder dragons. Out of nowhere a monster roared and fought against another monster. "OH SHIT TURF WAR!" I said as I grabbed my insect Glaive. A Diablos fought with a Rathian, both set up war between them. I ducked, as I grabbed my fathers gun lance and handed it to him, "Here dad, no time to waste." He nodded with a smile, and fired his lance away. "Meow, about that Diablos!" Raptor ran in fear and grabbed his mini hunting horn. "Shit, grab that horn!" The handler yelled, as I flung myself  towards the Diablos, and attempted to break its parts. Trust me, that thing was thinking "Fuck this, this boy is going to destroy my ass" and completely shattered the top of my insect Glaive. "FUCK!" I grasped my whetstone as I quickly tried to sheath my weapon. The Diablos was not really enthusiastic about this, and charged towards me. I shouted at the Rathian, "OVER HERE!" The Rathian stared at me in curiosity, then attempted to poison the Diablos with its tail. Fun fact, this shit was a tempered Rathian. Out of nowhere we heard a loud roar in the distance. The handler smirked, "Oh I see an invader." Bazel dropped and we ran, "ITS BAZELGEUSE!" The Rathian and Diablos roared in confusion, and booked it. The Bazel was not happy either, considering a Deviljho was along with it. "How many more disasters today?" The Handler shrugged as we were readying our weapons, "500 and a thousand more on the way." I then sighed and thought of something else, "At least there's no Zinogres right?" The Bazel attempted to blast my ass, as we ran to the forest to take cover. "Camp wasn't even standing for about a second and this thing attacks it!" We all rolled under the fallen log, as my father shot back at the Bazel, "Book it, this shit is not having it." My father gave that damn look again. I nodded as we all hid underneath the tree. The Bazel moderated the area, and snarled at the Deviljho. Surprise they're having Turf Wars too. "Invaders seemingly DONT get along." I laughed, "You aren't wrong, now let's head east." I checked my watch as we made our way throughout the forest. "Reminder, we're trying to figure out where Velkhana is, no turf wars!" I said, but the handler insisted, "Velkhana is not a major threat unlike Safi, so please do not be worrisome." I countered, "But, they're both Elders, and that means danger!" The handler agreed, "you are not wrong." My father sat down and readied a camp. "Second time this week." I sat down as well, "The monsters are obviously having turf wars." I heard a roar once more, and I turned around, "Meow, such a furightful monster!" I shivered, and behold, Velkhana.

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