The Elders

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I feared the worst and hurled my insect Glaive towards Velkhana. Surprisingly, it seemed passive. I paused, but then I realized, where's Dad? Where's the Handler? "Fuck!" Velkhana stared at me in confusion, "Hold on, don't worry Velkhana." I sprinted back to camp, as Velkhana sat there patiently. "DAD! MERCURY?" Nothing but Uragaans. I sat down and was sobbing. "Shit, How many more dissatisfied elders? Turf wars?" Velkhana flew over to camp. I questioned it, "Velkhana, tell me where is SafiJiva" It remained silent. "Velkhana come on.." What do I know, it's literally a wyvern! It pointed to the mountainside. "There?" It remained stationary and silent. It refused to elaborate furthermore about SafiJiva. I shook my head, "So uh, Velkhana" Out of nowhere it flew off, "WAIT!" It flew off in fear, that's not good. I sat down on a log and worried, "Shit, Deviljho probably." I tried my best to go to sleep as the moon soared above me. I had no coffee, nothing. Raptor awoke, "Meowster you got any coffee?" I shook my head "Where's your father and Mercury?" I shrugged, "Supposedly they went missing." Raptor sighed, "Meow.." I tried to fall asleep again, Raptor followed along as well. "Night Raptor." "Night Meowster!" I heard a roar in the distance, a very loud one. I woke up, and sat up to go investigate. I could feel worried. Looking into the distance it was a wyvern I recognized. I walked forward into the forest, and then moved forward. "I've been waiting" I could hear its voice. "You're as brave as your father." The elder said in sign language. I trembled and responded, "What do you plea for Safi..?" The elder stared at me, "Velkhana doesn't seem to acknowledge that your old brachy is here." I remembered old brachy.. Wait... Old Brachy?" The elder didn't respond. "I will assist searching for your old foe, in return, you shall let me be" It said in sign language. I nodded but then gazed upon its wings. It stayed motionless. "Help me find old Brachy and My father, plus the handler. I will repay your offer SafiJiva." I started to sob, "It will only please my father to find Old Brachy." Safi nodded. "You shall let me be. Do not repel me or disturb me in my pain." What pain, I thought? I walked off slowly to camp. Its wings were elegant as it flew off. I tried to fall asleep again, and passed out. Throughout the night, I knew Velkhana was flying above as I could still sense that cold mist. What I questioned about Velkhana is, why so?

At Dawn

"Morning Meowster.." Raptor yawned. But then screamed following after. "AHHH! EBONY!" I sat up immediately, "Huh?" An Ebony Odogoran was not pleased to see Raptor. "Is this the monster you tried to capture earlier?" Raptor nodded then fleed. I fleed as well, "BOOK IT!" It ran after Raptor, and tried to capture it. "HIDE MEOWSTER, HIDE!" I grabbed Raptors and shoved each other under a log. "Meowster I'm worried." I hugged Raptor, "Im worried too Meowster." Raptor was static, "What? Meowster you're worried?" I nodded, "Elder dragons have been approaching me lately. I'm worried about it." "Velkhana? MEOW! That's what the cold mist was about!" Yes and so forth. "Velkhana flew off in fear, and then I saw another elder.." Raptor looked back up at me as the Ebony Odogoran examined the area, "So, shall we look for the other meowsters in the guiding lands? They're probably on their way to the Coral Highlands.." I replied, "Yes Raptor I believe so." He grabbed his horn. What was Safi trying to communicate in sign language about Brachy? I looked back up at the sky. What did Safi mean by old brachy? Does that mean.. Brachydios is, Enraged?

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