Chapter 4

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Nina's contractions kept becoming long and painful. Every time she screamed in pain, Aelia's heart ached.

Aelia was helping out to adjust the light for Susan, but she was getting distracted by Nina's pain. This whole situation was surreal for her and she was finding herself too invested in the pregnant girl's well being.

"Why don't you hold her hand and calm her down dear? Delma will handle the lights." Susan said to her. Susan had seen Aelia's distress and she figured they both needed eachother. It didn't take a genius to see how the pregnant girl's eye often searched for Aelia to seek comfort in knowing she's there and how Aelia seemed to care about Nina more than a 'stranger' would.

"Hold her hand?" Aelia tentatively asked.

"Yes. Her hand." Susan confirmed.

Aelia slowly moved closer to Nina, but Nina didn't give her much time as she tightly griped her wrist. She let out another scream. She had started to push the baby out.

Aelia removed Nina's hand from her wrist and took it in her hand instead. She had her eyebrows furrowed and eyes focused on Nina. Not really knowing how to help the other girl.


Push harder.

Keep pushing.

These were the only words that could be heard aside from Nina's screams. This kept going for what felt like hours. It seemed liked a mess Aelia wasn't able to comprehend much herself as Nina's grip on her hand was so tight she felt like her hand might break. But her hand wasn't her concern at the moment.

"You're almost there. You're alright." Aelia whispered to Nina who took a deep breath. Aelia's presence was giving Nina assurance and strength.

Nina gathered all her remaining strength as she gave the hardest push she'd ever given. It felt like she had pushed out a part of her own self and she knew that she'd done it.

Just as the baby came out of the mother's womb the lights turned back on.

The baby can control electricity, Aelia wondered.

They all froze on their spots with the new born child in Susan's gloves covered hands.

After a few still moments the room got filled with soft cries. It was like everyone could breathe again. Susan smiled brightly as she announced, "A healthy baby boy!"

Nina's eyes filled with tears as she looked at her child. The one she brought into this world. The one she kept inside of her for 9 months. The one who was a part of her.

Susan wrapped the baby in a blanket.

"Who is going to do the honors?" She asked referring to the umbilical cord.

"I just pushed a baby out of me. Someone else do it." Nina stated. Suddenly Aelia felt all eyes on her.

"What?" She asked. Nina just raised her eyebrow at her

"Cut the cord." Susan explained.

'They want me to inaugurate the baby.' Aelia thought.

"Me?" Aelia asked in disbelief.

"Yes, you." Susan stated patiently.

"Why don't you do it?"

"Just go cut the cord already." Nina said releasing her hand from Aelia's and pushing her slightly towards Susan.

Aelia reluctantly held the scissors on the cord. Everything about it was absolutely disgusting but Aelia felt like she had this heavy responsibly on her shoulders even though the tough part was done and she didn't do much of it.

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