Chapter 8

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Aelia decided to ignore the world like she always did whenever she faced a problem and lose herself in work.

She went to her study, and worked on her latest design for 5 hours straight.

Nina on the other hand cried in her bedroom. It didn't take her long to realize that she had overreacted, but she still remembered what she saw and her heart kept on breaking. Though, she was mainly crying because she was afraid. She was afraid how intense her feelings were for Aelia just after 2 week. She was afraid that she was falling hard for her. She was afraid that Aelia won't fall at all for her. She was afraid Aelia would leave her and Nat. She was afraid Nat won't get to have her in her life. She was afraid she won't be able to compete with the classy lady with gorgeous face.

After quite some hours of crying Nina washed her face and finally went out her room because she had to cook. Cooking had always been therapeutic for her.

When Shelby, Jasper and Danny saw her they immediately realized that she had been crying. It was pretty obvious. Their heart ached for their friend but they knew they needed to give her some space to figure things out for herself.

Aelia went to her kitchen to get something to eat when she saw Nat's feeder. She realised that she had forgotten to put it back in the baby bag. Of all the things, it was the feeder that knocked some sense into her and reminded her of the silent promise she made with Nat. She couldn't ruin everything over a misunderstanding. She couldn't not be in Nat's and Nina's life just because she was a coward who runs away from her problems.

So she picked that feeder up with determination and marched to her neighbor's apartment and knocked.

Nina's head shot up at the knock at the door. She already knew who it was and her heartbeat quickened. The 3 friends exchanged a look and Danny went to open the door, only to find Aelia standing there looking determined, with a feeder in her hands.

"Nat's feeder got left in my apartment." She said to Danny who nodded and let her in.

She stepped inside and looked at Shelby and Jasper who pointed her towards Nina. She nodded.

The 3 friends watched in anticipation as Aelia made her towards Nina and stopped right across from her, a kitchen counter in between them.

Nina eyed Aelia, waiting for her to speak. Aelia put the feeder on the counter and slowly pushed it towards Nina.

"I forgot to put it in Nat's baby bag." Aelia said, still looking down at the counter, trying to come up with words to say. Nina beat her to it.

"Look, I overreacted, it wasn't even my place to react in the first place. It wasn't like we were together or anything. You can be with whoever you want to be. Whether its that gorgeous lady-"

Aelia cut Nina's rambling off as she said,

"That gorgeous lady, Cassandra, is undoubtedly beautiful, very smart, and also... married."

Nina's eyes widened a little.

"To my other best friend, Jeremy. We've all known eachother since we were kids. They eventually fell in love. They make a cute couple. They're expecting a child, that's what she came to tell me." Aelia continued.

"I'm pretty happy for them. They want to be happy for me too so she asked me if I have found the love of my life yet and I told her I'm going in the right direction. I told her about my beautiful neighbor and her adorable child. And her nosey friends who are always listening in." She said pointing towards the 3 listening in. Danny was wiping away tears. Nina was looking at her with so many emotions in her eyes. Aelia knew she had done what she was here to do.

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