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Aelia and Nina went to two more dates before Aelia had to leave. They had a tear filled goodbye at the airport right infront Aelia's private jet, which Shelby, Jasper and Danny were in awe of. The 3 friends went in to explore the jet as Nina and Aelia said goodbye.

Nat was wide awake the whole time. He shed a few tears of his own. Nina had always found his and Aelia's connection endearing.

Things were different for a few weeks after Aelia left. They had become so used to eachother, it was hard staying so far away.

Aelia jumped on the chance to visit everytime she could. Having a private jet helped.

It didn't take too much effort to take over her position as CEO. Although moving the headquarters part was what took time. Cass and Jeremy decided stay in Manhattan.

After a few months of visits, facetime calls, late night chats and a few frustrated fights here and there, Aelia finally had taken care of the things she needed to take care of in Seattle before moving to New York. However, Cassandra was due any week by then, so she decided to stay for a while, asked Nina to visit Seattle for a couple of weeks instead, which Nina excitedly agreed to and Shelby, Jasper and Danny also agreed enthusiastically in the background where they were eavesdropping from.

Aelia and Nina discovered that their friends got along better then they had expected them too.

Nat had started crawling by then. Aelia would chase him around the house she was staying in, which was Cass and Jeremy's place.

Seeing Nat, Cass couldn't wait to meet her daughter. Her wait was over when her water broke during one of the game nights all of them were present for. They rushed to the hospital and stayed there the whole night.

At 7 am, Alexandra Aelia Mason-Jones was born.

After another tear filled goodbye the friends went back to NY. Aelia soon moved there as well. Aelia was there when Nat said his first word, which much to Nina's surprise, was "ma". Aelia wasn't surprised at all she just winked at him.

His second word was of course "lia" or more of a " 'eia".

Aelia was standing across from Nat gesturing him to come to her as Nina held him up, that was when he took his first steps. It was a week before his first birthday.

Nina and the 3 friends graduated a few more months later. Aelia bought a house and asked Nina to move in, to which Nina said yes.

Nina was offered a chef position in a well known restaurant as she graduated top of her class, she took the Job.

Shelby started doing an internship in a studio.

Jasper started internship in a office building for a company he wanted to work for.

Danny got drafted for the National football team.

On Nat's second birthday, Aelia asked Nina to marry her and officially asked to adopt Nat. She got a yes to both.

They got married 6 months later. Nat was the cutest ring bearer Aelia had ever seen. Alex made an adorable flower girl as well.

Nat was 3 when he started showing interest in Aeroplanes. Aelia was overjoyed.

Over the years Nat followed Aelia into workshops, and worked on blueprints with her just like Aelia used to do with her parents. While Sara, their younger daughter born a year after they got married, took great interest in cooking.

Nina soon opened her own restaurant. Sara was found there with her mommy quite alot.

They faced tough times too, when Aelia had to travel or when one of them got too busy with work, but they eventually overcame everything together.

Aelia and Nina may not call it a happily ever after. But they were happier together.


This is it!

This was always suppose to just be a short story about how Aelia and Nina met and eventually got together but I still added an epilogue because I imagined this is how their story went. You guys are free to imagine it differently if you like.

It was originally supposed to have 9 chapters, but I got way too into writing the whole date and backstory chapter so I had to divide it.

I hope you guys enjoyed the book.

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