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Hello Everybody! I want to welcome you to my second posted fanfiction, and I hope you enjoy it!

'You will be used as bait for the rebels'.

I couldn't help, but scoff when he said those words.

I never should have trusted them.

They abandoned me. Just like everybody else does.

There's only ever been a few people in my life that I could actually trust.

And because of them I thought I could trust more people.

But I was wrong.

What Hera said about helping those who need it was wrong.

What Kanan said about the Jedi was wrong.

What Sabine said about family was wrong.

Zeb just was wrong.

I've been sitting in this cell for three days, and I know they would never come back for me.

What makes it worse is how blinded I was to the fake trusting attitude.

Years of shields built up and just like that, one crew is able to break them all down.

Well, if they won't get me out of here, I'll just have to get myself out of here.

I double check the door to the cell to make sure it's locked before hiding in the corner of the stairs leading into the cell.

"You know, you guys are totally screwed, when my uncle, the emperor, finds out you guys are holding me here! And *cough* you guys *cough*"

I pretend to start getting sick and when the door opens, I jump out sealing the troopers inside with a wave, "Later guys!"

With that I take off running and jump into the armory before a pair of troopers can spot me.

Searching through the armory I find my bag with my tools and the weird cube I stole from Kanan.

No, he doesn't deserve to be in your thoughts.

Or your sympathy.

He abandoned you.

I scoop up the few items I have and make sure everything in my backpack is secure before moving over and grabbing a trooper helmet.

Should be able to get into the comms systems.

And that cell had a dampening field meaning that those trapped troopers won't be getting out until long after I'm gone.

I notice a vent in the wall.

Hah! Looks my luck is going up.

I scamper into the vent and double check where I'm at before making way for a hangar.

I'm going to have to get a ship at least capable of hyperspace.

Luckily, I know Lothal's coordinates after seeing Hera punch them in.

After crawling through the vents for a good ten minutes I finally make it to one of the hangar's and see exactly what I need.

There's a small black and red ship that has a hyperdrive just waiting to be stolen.

It can't be any bigger than the ghost and it looks incredibly maneuverable.

I could probably sell it for some good money.

Or keep it?

That doesn't matter right now.

What does matter is getting off this ship fast enough that a tractor beam doesn't snag me.

I wait for the opportunity to arise where I can climb out of the vent and dart over to the small ship.

Luckily nobody notices me and I'm inside the cockpit with no warnings whatsoever.

Moving over to the nav computer I input the coordinates for Lothal before starting so all I have to do is get out of the hangar and hit the hyperdrive.

It takes me ten minutes, but I finally get the coordinates programmed in.

I take another five minutes figuring out exactly what the controls do, making sure I know exactly how do get off this tin can before giving myself away.

With everything in place, I start the ship.

Instantly the comm crackles alive before I pick up the ship, tuck in the landing gear, get out of the hangar, and punch it into hyperspace.

Time to go home.

What I don't notice is a VCX-100 cruiser watching me escape.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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