Chapter 3

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The next day of school went by relatively quickly up until lunch. Yushedo was walking to the cafeteria by himself. As soon as class had ended, he rushed off to the bathroom that was in the opposite direction of the cafeteria.

Eventually he made it to the cafeteria and got his lunch. He looked around for a minute trying to decide where exactly he would be sitting. He didn't have to look for too long, as he almost immediately saw his pink skinned friend waving him over. He made his way over.

"Saved you a spot, Bambi!" She said patting the seat next to her. He promptly took it and sat down.

"Thanks, Ashido."

He looked at the other people at the table. He didn't know their names yet, but that was bound to change soon enough.


Yushedo looked across from him to see a yellow haired person with a black lightning streak in his hair.

"I'm Denki Kaminari! You're the guy with that crazy beast quirk, right?"

Yushedo nodded as he swallowed some of his food.

"Yeah. I'm Yushedo Tekato."

The violet haired girl sitting next to Kaminari frowned.

"Then why did Ashido call you Bambi? I'm Kyoka Jiro by the way."

Yushedo sighed as he and Ashido simultaneously pointed at his antlers. Jiro and Kaminari stared in confusion before they both began laughing.

"So she gave you a cutesy nickname but you haven't given her one?" Kaminari inquired.

Yushedo looked at Ashido, who was staring right back up at him with a single noodle hanging out of her mouth. She sucked it up and smiled at him.


Ashido giggled and looked at him.

"What?" She laughed.

"If you're gonna call me Bambi, then I'll call you Pinky."

"Ohmygosh that is perfect!" She exclaimed while punching him in the arm. "Oh by the way, allow me to introduce you to our third Horn Buddy! Hey, Kiri!"

A red headed boy with sharp teeth sitting on the opposite side of Ashido looked up from his plate of food.


"This is Bambi! The other Horn Buddy!"

The teen looked up at Yushedo's antlers and frowned.

"Those are antlers."

Yushedo smirked and looked at the teen.

"That's what I told her, but she insisted that it was 'close enough'." He laughed.

"Ha! I guess she's right. Eijiro Kirishima." Kirishima said with an outstretched fist. Yushedo bumped it.

"Yushedo Tekato."

The table group began conversing about their morning classes. Kirishima, Ashido, and Kaminari all complained about how hard the classes were while Jiro and Yushedo mainly listened. Neither of them thought the academics were difficult, but they didn't want to seem like a couple of pompous asses either.

30 Minutes Later, Back In Class
After everyone got back to class, Aizawa took his spot at the front of the classroom.

"So, as you know UA is a hero school. With that being said, you'll be learning how to properly control your quirks to prepare yourselves for the future as well as attending normal classes. That means that-"

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