Chapter 11

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(AN: I legitimately can't believe his story is currently 3rd in #mina! Thank you guys for the support, and I'll try to start getting chapters out more frequently.

Also, should I go back and start naming these chapters or just keep them numbered?)

Eventually, Yushedo stirred awake. At first, he was confused as to why he felt a heavy weight on his chest, but upon seeing a head of curly pink hair, smiled to himself.

He could hear Mina lightly snoring as she snuggled up into his chest. Her arm rested across his chest with her hand on his shoulder. One of her legs draped over his own.

Yushedo looked around until his eyes found the clock on his wall. It read "1:30". He looked around again until he saw his phone. The only problem was that it was on his desk. He didn't want to move in the slightest. Mina looked so comfortable and content lying on him, and to be completely honest, he felt the same way.

As he prepared to lie down underneath Mina for who knows how long, she began to stir in her sleep. She began moving around for a few seconds before lifting up her head slowly. Her eyes were half-closed as she looked up at Yushedo in confusion, but that confusion soon turned into a satisfied smile.

She adjusted slightly before resting her chin on one of his pecs and looking up at him.

"Mmm... how did you like your present?" She whispered endearingly.

He smiled softly as he gazed down at her and began running his fingers through her curly head of hair.

"Best gift I've ever gotten..." he started, "but I planned on getting you the same thing for your birthday." He joked.

Mina giggled as pushed herself up slightly so that her forehead rested against his.

"I don't mind a little regifting."

She closed her eyes before leaning up and kissing him on the forehead. They smiled at each other for a few seconds before going in for another kiss, this time a tender one on the lips.

Soon enough, she was on top of him. She ground her southern lips on top of his member, but was careful to not let it slip in. He sat up and supported himself with one elbow and ripped the blanket from on top of them with his free hand. He grabbed her ass and squeezed tightly.

After a few minutes of this, he felt a wetness acclimating on his erection. Mina broke off their kiss and gave him a look chalk-filled with sexual prowess. She bit her lips and giggled before climbing from on top of him and lying on her side next to him.

"As much as I'd like to stay here and do this all day, I wanted to take you out for a bit so we could do a few things." She began tracing a finger along his chest as she gazed into his eyes with the most seductive look she could muster. "But we can definitely pick this up later."

Yushedo smirked as he slowly sat up. He ran his fingers through her hair as she did the same.

"That sounds good, Mina. We should probably... clean up before we go anywhere though..." he added shortly after. Mina giggled as she stood up from the bed. As she walked towards the bathroom, she swayed her hips to tease him as much as possible. She stood in the doorway and looked back at him.

"Don't get any funny ideas while we're in here, Shedo."

She stepped into the bathroom and started the shower. A couple of minutes later, Yushedo joined her. He had to calm himself down after the little show she put on for him.

20 Minutes Later
After an excruciatingly sexless shower, the two got dressed and began walking into the city. Mina led Yushedo by the hand, but refused to tell him where they were going. She also told him not to bring his wallet, and when he went to bring it anyway, she threatened to go back on a certain promise she made involving the two of them and a bed.

The Wendigo (Mina Ashido x OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora