Chapter Two- Confessions Wrapped in Red

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Chapter 2:

The Asking


Cole's eyes had only just cleared of his tears, but he knew they may return once he saw Zach and Will once again. He was so fearful, his palms were dripping with sweat.


Will walked down the halls, instantly spotting Zach. A soft blush formed over his face, slowly engulfing his ears. The people in the hall instantly split in two directions, Zach not following the flow, and meeting Will's eyes. Will notices that Zach's face is covered in a deep shade of red, almost resembling a tomato. Will holding back his laugh, notices how cute it is. Will walks over the Zach, Zach stares down at his shoes and says.

"Uh-uh hi"

"Oh, hello!" Will responds in an upbeat tone

"I was wondering if you wanted to stop by Sweet Street later?" Zach says

"Oh sure!!" Will talks back to him in a soft tone, blushing an even brighter shade of red

Zach lets out a small chuckle ," Haha you look kinda a tomato, it's cute," He lets slip, instantly regretting it.

Will looks away and blushes then responding, "You know you kind of look th-the sam-e." They end up laughing in a blushing fit, before remembering that they are late to their next class.


Cole was in the flow of students, but he looked through the people and saw Zach's red face. He held back his pain and went towards his friends.

"H-Hi guys! What were you talking about?" Cole said nervously.

"Oh, just going to Sweet Street later... Wait, Cole? Do you want to come?" Zach asked, his eyes glimmering.

"YES!" Cole said loudly, nearly shouting. He cringed at how loud and desperate he sounded.

Will giggled a little at Cole. He never liked Cole, but he admitted his sweet angelic voice was cute. Now looking into his eyes, he realized how cute Cole is, his hair falls perfectly over his head, his eyes you could fall through for decades upon decades. He was quite perfect, a match for Zach. But... how could he feel this way for both... unless polyamory...

-after school-

Each of the boys had been thinking of each other throughout all their classes, all looking forward to Sweet Street, more than one even planned to confess.....

Outside of the sidewalk they arrive, joyous to see each other twice in the same day. They walk inside and grab their sweets, all staring into each other's eyes, the warm glow of the candy wrappers illuminating their faces. They slowly walk outside, arms locked within each other.

Will: "I-I ha-have some-something to say"

Cole: "Oh go ahead! I had something to confess as well!!"

Will: "I-I've liked you, a-as in Zach for a while, and Cole I like you a ton as well... as-as in an m-more than friends way." His voice trembles per the words, the weight instantly falling off of his back.

Zach: "I think I know what to say, I-I've liked you for a while now as well, we should get together. And Cole, I have to admit, I'm kinda into you too. " Zach speaks folly with a warm smile plastered on his face, relief filled over him.

Cole: "I-I don't know what to.. Say. Zach, I've liked you for a while and just a few hours ago I think I like you too, Will.. we should get together sometimes. Maybe coffee?"

Will: "Okay!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll head out now.. This is a bit too much."

The two boys nod back and head home as well. 

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