Chapter 3- Love Behind The Window

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Chapter 3

Love Behind the Window


Will runs home, covered in a bright red blush. He runs to his bed and takes out the letters he had written to himself while deep in love with Zach, he writes at the end of his last, he said yes!! He falls asleep, impatient awaiting the date tomorrow. He drifts into a sleep full of his beautiful loves, excited for the wonders of the next day...


As he tried to fall asleep, he simply couldn't, as his mind was clogged with my thoughts of Cole and Will. He needed to see them, and he was sure they needed him too.

Zach grabbed his phone, and sent a text to the group chat they had formed, and called the Crystal Queers.

"Hey guys, I don's wanna sleep alone tn." Zach typed into the chat.

Immediately, they both responded.

''Come to my house ;)" Will sent.

"Yes plsssss ( ° ʖ °)" Cole answered, barely hiding how desperately he wanted to huddle with them.

It seemed they all wanted to see each other, so Will had a GREAT idea.

'Ayo, guys, wanna come over to my house for a sleepover?' Will sent, with a winky face at the end.

Both Zach and Cole spammed the chat with yes, adding a mass amount of heart emojis.

Keeping the yes chain going for five fucking minutes.

Zach hopped on his bike and rode to Will's house at speed in the darkness, followed by Cole. They both snuck in through Will's window, looking so excited to see each other and finally be out of the public eye.

They all sat on the windowsill, feeling the cool night breeze on their backs. They all went to sit in a circle on Wills' carpet.

They talk for hours engaged in a deep conversation. It's almost time for them to sleep, cuddle. They all hop in bed, cuddling each other. All taking turns to kiss each other.

They woke up in each other's arms.

"Hello. Hey, you're both so cute..." Cole smiled and kissed their foreheads.

The boys all got up and changed out of their PJs dressed for the new day and headed out for their date.

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