Chapter ten - Bombing

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"Three... Two... One!" The door swung open. 

 "Spots on!" Marinette yelled and the red suit replaced the prison uniform. She grabbed Adrien and used her yo-yo to swing away through the open window she used to get in. The two of them ran across rooftops and jumped over buildings until they finally felt safe.

They hid in an alleyway and caught their breath. "You okay?" Ladybug asked as she detransformed. 

 "I'm fine, you?" She nodded as she held her aching ribs. They panted for a while before coming up with a plan. Nearby was a motel where they would stay for a few nights while they tried to clear all this up.

"I'm going to head inside here to get a key to a room, you are going to stay out here, and I'll come back in a few minutes." Adrien said leaving Marinette behind. A few moments passed before a string of sirens passed as well as flashing red and blue lights. Marinette, she tensed up and hoped they wouldn't see her in the dark of the alley. Luckily they passed quickly. Mari started to worry, the police were after her, Cat probably hated her, and now she was putting Adrien in danger too. She planted her head in her hands and began to shake. She had no idea how to fix all this, it wasn't like fighting akumas, she couldn't just repair everything with some magic word and a random object.

A hand on her shoulder startled her. It was Adrien. "Hey I've got us a room, you alright?" Marinette brushed off the question with an 'I'm fine' and followed him to the room. She wore his jacket, hiding the prison uniform underneath and quickly ran into the room trying her best not to be seen by any onlookers. His jacket was too big for her due to his height and build but she still enjoyed its warmth. When they finally made it inside they both flopped down on their beds. Panic and fear washed over Marinette and was slowly drowning her.

Marinette wrapped Adrien's coat around her, using it as shelter from the rest of the world. She buried her face into the fabric and she could smell the distinct scent of pine and cinnamon. She found it comforting and for the first time in a long time, she felt safe. Adrien could hear her quiet sobs from the other side of the room but said nothing. She had been through so much in the past few days, yet it felt like this was only the beginning. They somehow had to prove her innocence, find out who had framed her in the beginning and somehow do it all while being chased by the police. At least things couldn't get any worse... Right?

Wrong. Adrien peered at the television, mounted on top of the fireplace, only to see a news report. "Marinette?" He asked. The girl looked at him with red eyes and he could do nothing but motion to the screen. On it was the mother of the girl Marinette babysat all those years ago. Adrien turned up the volume. 

 "Don't be bemused, it's just the news, Nadja Chamack here with the news update. The Bourgeois hotel was destroyed in a bombing, killing the mayor, his wife, and six others. The prime suspect of the crime is our once favorite hero, Ladybug. More after the weather break."

Marinette said nothing, she felt nothing. She was numb. Not a tear fell from her face. Eight people were dead, killed in her name. Maybe she was in shock, or just too drained from everything else that had happened that day but she just could not go on like this. "I'm going to turn myself in." She said, not a hint of pain or anger in her words. Almost like she was bored by the circumstances.

"What?" Adrien said shocked. 

 "I'm not doing you any good and were just delaying the inevitable. They will find us at some point. Might as well keep you safe while I can." Adrien shot to his feet. 

 "No!" He yelled. "You can't do that. You don't get to give up. That's nothing like you." Marinette let out a small laugh.

"You don't know me. All you know is a stuttering idiot who can't stand up straight. You have no idea who I am." What? Of course he knew her. He had fought alongside her for years. Maybe he was to blind to see her in the beginning but he wasn't going to let himself let her go again. He knew exactly who she was. She was the love of his life.

"Of course I know you." He uttered. She sighed. 

 "Really?" She said sarcastically. 

 "Yes really." Adrien answered. 

 "Prove it." Marinette stated, indifferent. 

 "I know that your favorite color is pink, you love macaroons, you are an amazing seamstress, you're afraid of failure and horror movies, you like hamsters. I know that you are a wonderful baker and I know that I'm-..."

She narrowed her eyes. "You know 'you're what'?" He sighed, he wanted to tell her he loved her but he just couldn't get himself to speak it out loud. 

 "I know I'm lucky to have you as a friend." She gave a shy smile and nodded, but she could see the uncertainty in his eyes.

Just then, the motel room phone started to ring. Marinette and Adrien looked eyes, both uneasy about answering. Slowly they both inched towards the ringing landline. Marinette reached out and with a shaking voice she answered. "Hello?" She asked. 

 "Hello." A deep voice answered, obviously masked by a voice modulator. "I need you to listen very carefully. Say 'No we don't need any fresh towels.' Got it?" Marinette eyed Adrien but obeyed. 

 "No we don't need any fresh towels." She uttered and she could see Adrien relax. 

 "Good, now pay attention, I need a favor from you. Don't say anything. Just meet me at the rooftop of the antique shop on 10th street at dusk. I'll be waiting." And she heard the dial tone ring through her ears.

"Room service?" Adrien asked. 

"Room service." Marinette lied.   


Word count: 1029 (Not counting this)

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