Chapter 11

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I should have stopped viewing from the scrying pool, but I could not. I saw everything, well, almost everything that unfolded in her life. Surprisingly, the Duke treated her well. He made her feel at home, and always made sure that she had everything she ever wanted. This made me seethe in envy. Why couldn't I have that with her? But it was his first wife, Leiyin, who treated her badly. When the Duke was away, which was often, she'd make Fangyu sleep in the maid's room, only to move her back the day before the Duke was supposed to return. In those periods of time, she'd deprive Fangyu of food and drink.

All of this occurred until Fangyu was pregnant with the Duke's child. A physician came over to the house to diagnose it, with the Duke beaming in joy. Another heir, a son, perhaps, he'd said, his voice echoing throughout the chamber. I watched as Fangyu's body grew to accommodate the baby, and that even the Leiyin had nothing to say as she grudgingly asked the servants to prepare herbal tonics and soups for her.

On a winter's night, the baby was born. The birth was difficult, with Fangyu sweating and pushing it out for ten hours. At this point, I didn't want to watch any longer, but I was under house arrest and there was nothing to do. The baby was born, and it was a boy. The Duke of Wen had two heirs, and was elated.

During the baby's first month, there was a celebration. Leiyin, mistress of the house, sulked as all of the Duke's relatives cooed at the baby and gave it gifts. Even Lord Dong showed up with presents. Fangyu's son grew, and Fangyu gave the duke more children. Three sons! Three sons, and this was enough to eclipse the only one that Leiyin had. When the Duke was on his deathbed, he chose Fangyu's second son to manage the estate, which left the mistress seething.

And so, on one fateful day, the mistress poisoned Fangyu's drink at a meal. I couldn't even do anything but watch. It was simple. Too simple. The physician could not identify the source of the antidote, and then, Fangyu slipped away.

Now was my chance. I ran out of my quarters to see her. And there she was, talking to Meng Po. Horsehead stood behind her. Of course he would be the one to escort her, while I was left behind, inside that room. Of course.

"I gave him three children, and before I get to enjoy my old age, I'm dead," she grumbled. There were wrinkles on her face, and her hair was streaked with white, but she was still lovely as ever. To me, anyway.

Meng Po calmed her down, and gestured for her to have a seat. Then, she walked towards me while Horsehead waved. Here's what she said:

"Now is your chance. Go tell her how you feel."

I ran. I didn't even have to think. Her lifetime had taken place in mere seconds to me, but I knew that it was because I was in a realm where time seemed to speed up on Earth and I could watch a life go by in seconds. Even with the speed at which her life passed, it was still torturous enough seeing my love spend her life without me. I had no more time to collect my thoughts now. She turned her head and saw me.

"You!" she jumped out of her seat and ran towards me. I wanted to wrap her in an embrace, but she did something different. I almost choked and waved to Horseface, who somehow thought the situation was very funny.

"Where did you go?" she screamed, her fists hitting my chest. "Why did you leave?"

"The Jade Emperor got me. He summoned me to the Heavens and punished me for seeing a mortal."

"But why?"

Large, fat tears rolled down her cheeks and I brushed them away. At least she didn't stop me from touching her.

"It is against the rules, remember?"

"I don't care about the rules. I wanted what I had with you."

"Me too."

Horseface was watching all of this, looking on sympathetically.

"What happened now? What about the life we never got to have?" she asked. "I know the Duke gave me a life, but you were always in my thoughts."

"Mine too."

Meng Po cleared her throat. I hadn't realised that she'd returned and was listening.

"Now's not the time," she said. "The Jade Emperor may be listening. You need to get to the Wheel of Reincarnation and fast," she said, dragging her away. I ran after them and confronted Meng Po. Horseface tried to stop me, but saw he couldn't. And so, he chose to follow me.

"What are you doing? I thought you were helping me!" I protested when I finally caught up with her.

"Yes, I am. But remember what I said about biding your time?" Then, Meng Po transformed into a man, which shocked Fangyu so much that she jumped.

"Go to your next incarnation. If it's meant to be, he will find you." With that, he pushed Fangyu into another room that was part of the inn, and then disappeared. I tried to follow, but I couldn't. I rammed into a wall. Horseface tried, and the same thing happened to him, too. Frustrated, I slammed my fist into it. This couldn't be. Not again.


A while later, Meng Po emerged from the very same place. I had so many questions.

"Where is this wheel of reincarnation? I would like to see it."

She shook her head.

"It's only for those who have lived, and you have not lived for a long time."

I snorted and folded my arms.

"Then how will I know where she is? What her next life will--oh wait. The records." I turned to look at Horseface, who nodded.

The god smiled.

"Good luck," was all he said.

"Come on, Cowhead," Horseface said. "We know where we're headed."

I nodded. I had questions to ask him, too.

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