Chapter 17

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 I followed the troupe. The procession led me to the centre of the market square, where they set up their performance. A few assistants set up a stage using a cloth and some bamboo poles, covering the props and the costume racks. Most of the actors followed, and the woman who did their make-up scurried on over behind the cloth, where she helped them put on their faces. All of this only took a few seconds, and within a minute, a stage was propped up for all to see.

A man stood on stage in black robes, his face sombre.

"Ladies, and gentlemen," he began, "what I'm about to tell you is a love story."

The women in the crowd tittered.

"It is a story that has stood the test of time. In the time after the First Emperor, there were two contenders. There was the great General Xiang Yu, who fought to rule all of China. Xiang Yu had a lover. A concubine. Here he is, fighting for his right to rule."

The actor playing General Xiang Yu stepped onto the platform to give a speech.

"Truth and valor. These are the principles that I live by. I descend from a long line of Generals, unlike that upstart Liu Bang, who is of common stock. No, it is us, the nobility who should rule!"

The crowd booed. I thought that the storytelling was clumsy, but I stayed to watch. Xiang Yu described what he would do, were he to rule the country, and then, one of his attendants appeared on stage.

"My liege, your concubine Consort Yu, seeks your presence," he said.

The man who was playing Xiang Yu nodded. Ye Chun stepped onto the stage. He was the concubine. For a moment, I blinked, and I saw Fangyu. It was as though she was alive again. I wanted to rush towards her, or rather, him, but I stayed put, entranced. He bowed towards his fellow actor, and said his lines. I watched as they walked around each other, almost as though they were dancing.

"My love, I am off to see that peasant, Liu Bang. We will dine, and when I return, he will be no more."

"Why call him a peasant?" Ye Chun asked.

"Excuse me?"

"Why call him a peasant? He has a right to rule as much as you."

Everyone gasped. The troupe stared at him. He was not supposed to say that.

"What good has come from a nobleman ruling the country? So what if he does not have the Mandate of Heaven? Does he know the thoughts and worries of the common people? He does not. And if that is so, how is he fit to rule?"

The narrator in black robes rushed onto the stage and then dragged "Consort Yu" off. The actors left and so did the crowd. I wandered backstage, only to see the man in black berating "Consort Yu".

"What is the meaning of this? I told you to stick to your lines!"

"But they are all variations of the same line! Yes, Your August One. Very well, Your August One. I do not have a say!'

"That is the nature of being a woman, Ye Chun. This is acting!"

Ye Chun bit his lip.

"If you want to stay in this performing troupe, you'll have to follow orders and memorise your lines. No improvising. Do you understand?"

He nodded.

"Go for a break. We'll start everything again."

It was at that moment that Ye Chun saw me. I didn't know what to do, so I bowed. He bowed back and approached me.

"You were listening in on our conversation."

"Sorry. I couldn't help it."

He sighed.

"No, no, this is a public square, and I just made a fool out of myself."

"The life of a travelling actor is tough."

He nodded.

"It is. What brings you here?"

"Business," I said, hoping that he wouldn't ask more about it, but he did.

"What are you doing?"

"I... am a trader. I go to many ports. I'm glad to see that you're making your dreams come true."

He sighed.

"Mind if we take a walk? That is, if you're not too busy."

"Not at all."

We strolled along the docks again, with him telling me that it was so hard to leave his hometown, and end up here. He read the script and it was so uninspiring.

"You know, I'm not a woman, but somehow, reading the dialogue stifled me. It's as though I knew what it was like, not having a choice. And I want to make those choices now."

I blinked and I stared at him. It was as though Fangyu was in there, somewhere. Who was I kidding? Of course she was. This man wasn't even aware that he was her, in a previous life, a long time ago. But of course I couldn't tell him that.

"Yes you can. As a man, the world is yours."

"I hope so," he said, as though he was thinking aloud. "I guess I have to pay the price as an actor. That is, if I want to see all the provinces. Thank you for today," he told me. "I'd best be getting back."


I nodded and watched his retreating back. I wished I could tell him everything I knew. It was the same problem. He had no memory of his past life, even though he'd had the gingko fruit. Maybe it was just as well, but my heart ached at the thought that he didn't remember me, or who he was.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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