Chapter One

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I was so excited! It was my favorite time of the year. Christmas!! I love decorating everything with colorful lights, ribbons, wreaths, and jingle bells! Jingle bells are my favorite part. I also convince my mom to decorate the barn. I love decorating the stained wood stalls and putting up lights on the outside of the gray barn.

"Winnie!" my mom called from the indoor arena. "Come help put Spice away!" I went into the arena and took the reins from my mom's hand. You can groom her and put her away." I started walking the red roan mare back to the row of stalls and stopped. I saw a trailer pull in the parking lot. Who could that be?  I quickly untacked and groomed Spice then led her to her stall. I ran outside and saw Mikayla, the stable hand, get out of the truck. "Is that a new horse?" I asked.

"Yeah, a gelding. He's really pretty," she informed me. She opened the trailer and I saw him. He was pretty! A beautiful piebald with a flowing mane and tail. Oh, I wanted to ride him so bad!

Once he was in his stall I went over and offered him a sugar cube. He sniffed my hand and turned away. Then he started pacing around his stall. "What's the matter? Are you worried?" I wondered as I rested my chin on my hands. He didn't have a name yet. I hope I could name him. I could think of a gazillion options for a horse as beautiful as him.

It was the next day and I was going to try him out. I pulled on my tall blue socks and slipped into my tall leather boots. Then I put on my matching long sleeve blue shirt and put a black vest over it. Even though I was riding inside, it was still cold. I pulled back my honey-colored hair into a ponytail, grabbed my helmet, and opened my door.

When I got to the barn I went to get my grooming kit from the tack room, but I couldn't find it. "Oh, he better not have put it on that tall shelf again," I mumbled. And sure enough, it was there. Leo came walking by, his bright strawberry blonde hair catching my eye. "Can't reach the brushes, shorty?" he teased smiling. I rolled my chocolate brown eyes and smiled as he took them down for me.

"I'm riding the new horse," I told him.

"The piebald?" he questioned. I nodded and got my  English saddle and a black saddle pad.

"I heard that he still needs to be trained. They said he is pretty green." Leo told me as he grabbed the bridle and girth.

"Oh, I'm probably gonna fall of him then," I laughed.

Once he was all tacked up I led him into the arena. I led him over to the mounting block and put my foot in the stirrup, but he started walking. Leo grabbed the reins and then I mounted correctly. "Thanks," I said. He smiled and patted the horse's neck."Guess I gotta work on that" I laughed.

I started walking along the rail and then decided to trot. I had barely nudged him and he took off! I tightened my grip on the reins and sat back. "Whoa, boy," I soothed. "Slow down, it's ok." He ignored me and started going faster. The arena dust flew up and got in my eyes. I brushed it out and tried to stop him again.  Then, this is how I came up with his name. "Ace! Slow down!" I said firmly. He immediately started walking and I relaxed. But not for long, as he started catering then galloping around again! He caught me by surprise and the reims slipped out of my hands. I fell over his head and onto the ground.

I saw Leo standing over me and Ace's head. Then, it was all black.

Flying in the RainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora