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And it kills you inside / no words but sighs / with your shadow lingering in those brown eyes //

but looking at you, must you be so beautiful? / Sweeter than figs / 'catch' / I whispered //

brushing against your fingertips / a gentle sin / I never realised / I'd beg for forgiveness all my eternity / touch me once again //

the exiled are made to conquer / to dance on marching drums // but you are not forged for war / you are more than skin and bones / gentler than Helen could ever be

crimson in your veins / ichor in mine / and it's sinful to touch you even / for I am but a god / corrosive in my being / each bone in me is doomed / for destruction and bloodshed //

I would dilute the vitriol I bleed / touch me then // and when you're done with me, throw me back in the ocean you pulled me from / dissolve me back to when I never saw you smile / I'll do it all again //

And if you would let me ask you, Patroclus / what hurts more? / A father who never loved, the mother who never felt? //

What haunts more? / The dead that follows you? / Or the home you can never return to? //

And does the shivering ever stop? / All that blood and sweat you dream of every night / the cries and shadows come haunting you still?


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