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___'s Pov~

It was a tiring day as usual. A lifeless body being slumped on the wall again and again by so-called 'dad', disgusting words spilling from the devil's mouth and making me go even more miserable. They taught me to be honest when I was a kid but when I was, things weren't the same.

October 13~

"Mum, Dad, I have something really important to tell you." "Go on, sweetheart. We're listening", my mum told. Even with the unsettling eyes, fidgeting fingers and hearing my own pulse in my ear loud and clear; each beat screwing and pushing the words stuck on my throat to spit out, I continued. "I don't know how you are gonna take this but I felt like I have to let you know now. It's because I'm confused about what's happening around me." I paused a while, looking at my parents' reaction. They really looked confused but I insisted on going with my talk. "Mum, Dad, I am not attracted to girls." "Oh, sweetheart. It's nothing. You're just too focused on your dreams and that's why you don't give attention to these things which have caused you to think that way." "Mum, no. I know it is not 'nothing'. I have tried dating 2-3 girls but none worked." "What are you trying to say now?!" My father's voice raised but my mum calmed him down. "Wait, honey. Let's hear to him first." "I think I'm gay and mum, 'my dreams'? Never! It has never been my dream to take over the business of dad's. You know what has always been my dream, 'music art' not this filthy business!" I spat words at them. "What the hell are you talking about?! You're a disgrace to our family! What kind of son have I raised?! Don't you dare to tell this to anyone! My whole reputation and fame will be at risk!", my dad yelled on my face. As for my mum, I only saw tears falling from her eyes with her mouth covered by both of her palms. All she could say was "Are you even my son?" in astonishment. "Get out of the house!" my dad yelled again. At this point, I was speechless. They are getting rid of me because of my sexuality? Before my dad pushes me to the door, my mum stopped him. "No matter what, he is still our son, we shouldn't do like that" by right, that's what I wanted to hear from my mum but instead, this came out of her "No don't. If we get rid of him, there's no other way than to get this publicly known. We don't want to be caught in a scandal. All of our business will go down and we might even go bankrupt!" "Just keep him Behind The Doors!"

My dad, one of the top CEOs in Korea but that doesn't mean he can be cruel to his own son. They used to say "You can share anything with us, think of us as your best friend" But now that I do, they're against it. Telling that I'm a disgrace. What can I do? I didn't choose to be like this.

I'm Jimin, Park Jimin, a boy who is not accepted by his own parents because of his sexuality when he came out at the age of 16 without knowing the consequences to be faced in the future. Living my life behind the doors and being beaten up, not fed, just in case of hope I would change and be obedient the way they wanted. Spending hours outside the house just to escape that hell even though it's ice-cold here. At least it's better than home.

A/N: Just the starting, hope you liked it. More to come, stay tuned. 

And.....thank you for checking out this story. 


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