Experiment Failed.

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Verinette, the Japanese girl, who had been assigned to administer Pierce's DNA surgery watched as it all unraveled. The experiment had gone well until Pierce's DNA rejected the other DNA. The pink haired girl went haywire and shook, trying to escape the container. The woman was insane, as it seemed. The DNA merging had failed. Her skin looked like paper mixed with reptilian skin. Her eyes burned blue and she laughed loudly. "Let me out!" She screamed. Verinette's eyes widened, she stepped back. She hit the alarm button in the room and all the doors in the Industry closed. This was a procedure to make sure that no one was hurt. Verinette, though, was now trapped inside a room with a seemingly insane woman. She knew workers would come and take control of the situation, but how long would that take? Thump, thump. Pierce's fist on the glass. Crack. It would all be over soon. Verinette was to meet her death. Pierce escaped, tearing the plastic-glass merged material to shreds. Pierce stumbled to Verinette, pinning her against the wall. Pierce took Verinette's knife out of her pocket and smiled. Verinette struggled, kicking and punching. Why couldn't she win? They had the same surgeries and injections. The DNA merge must have worked..but at what cost? Pierce's sanity and Verinette's life? Pierce grinned and said, "Well, this is ironic isn't it? It seems the ones who are trying to help the world most, seem to produce the biggest monsters. It seems, that even the best of people create terrible things, destroy wonderful lives. When one's intentions are good, they only wind up tearing the world apart more." Pierce stabbed the silver knife into her chest. Her eyes focused on Pierce's face. Meaningless tears rolled down her cheeks as she bleed out against the wall. Her insides rolled to the ground, as Pierce dismembered them with a laugh. Verinette had a few last words, "They'll get you, you evil, disgusting-"
"I've had quite enough of you.." Pierce decided, this time pushing the knife into the girls chest, to pull out the heart with her bear hands. What an interesting feeling it was, having the red pumping hard serve its last few beats in Pierce's hands. Pierce watched as the girls eyes emptied into pale, glass-like figures, lifeless. "Guess your experiment failed." Pierce laughed, kicking the girls bloody body.

Pierce (Sequel to Lacy Hyde)Where stories live. Discover now