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I can barely remember what happened after I killed the Japanese girl. I remember the people with gas masks, filling the room, telling me to remain calm. They picked her bloody body off the floor and locked me inside the room. Tears had filled my eyes, and I don't even remember them coming to retrieve me. I remember the next few days I spent in a cage, awaiting trial. No food, minimal water. They whipped me three times a day, the maximum allowed amount for someone awaiting prosecution in the Industry. They used a cat of nine tails. My legs and arms began to wither and I puked often. I could feel my life giving out, knowing that this must be the end. I felt insane, useless, weak. I laughed about it. If I was to face an end, this cruel world would not have the best of me. I would laugh at the terrible things that happened to me, and enjoy the worlds cruelty.

My trial soon came. It was anything but formal. There were two lawyers, no judge. Just the jury. They screamed to sentence me to death, and they would have their way. I was sentenced to death by drowning. But, it would happen a month from now. Until then, I would be allowed a meal a week, and very little water each day. They would weaken me, push me into insanity and the darkest point of the world, before doing the thankful job of taking me out. They kept me in the same crates as the prisoners. Next to me, a loud mouthed blue haired girl. To the other side, a black haired man with a slit mouthed smile, who seemed miserable and angry. The girl next to me rattled her bars and I yelled at her to stop. We were both whipped thirty times, twice that day. They took away our water completely for the next two days, and we would have no food that week. The man was silent, smiling at it all. He muttered a few words, never directed to me.

A week after that, they let me out and placed me into a padded room. They stuck needles into the walls and told me, "Do as much harm to yourself as you desire." They chuckled, "You'll be dead soon anyways. Your trial comes up in two weeks, bet you can't wait." I charged at them, but they slammed the steel door into my face, making me feel drowsy. I took out the needles out of the wall, and went at it on my face. I pierced my cheek, my nose, my ears, my septum, the area around my lips, and just left the needles in. I yelled, "How about a mirror?!" Sticky blood trickled down my face and onto my neck, eventually making its way to soak onto my shirt and cover myself in blood. My face was numb, but aching. I enjoyed the warm pain it was surrounding me. It felt as if the world was staying still, consuming itself in a warm energy that I couldn't help but enjoy. I laughed, how could my life be so perfect and enjoyable? Pain, pain, pain. I felt sorrow for others who hadn't felt this before. I just hoped that if I got out alive that I would be able to consume the world in this beautiful feeling, granting them with the unmistakable feeling of sweet pain. People thought pain was the enemy, when really, pain was happiness. I needed to get out, to teach them this!

I was let out of the room later that day-- I think. It felt as if no time had passed. I guess time flies when you're having fun. Oh, this was so much fun. A joyous adventure, strolling to my death. Pain wasn't my enemy, it was my meaning, the very purpose of my existence. I was the master and pain was my mission. "Ugh, you're a mess." Said the female who let me out of my room.
"What?" I broke out laughing. "After starving and beating me, you gonna clean me up for execution day? Want me to practice my curtsie?"
"The prisoners that were next to you..they will fight to the death as you are executed. You will die watching their fighting. Two deaths will happen today, not just yours, don't be selfish."
"Why are you prettying me up?"
"It's tradition, plus you'll be on television. Show people what happens when you try to change the world for the worst. You might as well look good."
"Television!" I exclaimed, excited. The message would pain could travel all around the globe!

The girl took me into a style room. She gave me a bath, dressed me into a formal red dress. It was formed so it hid my beating and whipping scars. The needles in my face were taken out, but she replaced them with diamond piercings. She put a diamond ring on my left and right ring fingers. She put gold bracelets on my wrist. A gold necklace dangled on my chest, exposed by the sweetheart neck the dress formed. Black cloudy makeup surrounded my eyes, and my face was powdered up so it was pale and flawless. They decorated my lips with red lipstick and combed my pink hair into a braided bun. "Why is it pink?"
"The DNA Fusion screwed up your DNA..the chemicals used in the fusion along with the pills, injections, surgeries, your Industry blood and the DNA caused a weird reaction. Your hair must be very damaged from it.."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2015 ⏰

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